Item #1....I have read (on several occasions) in this vast crater you call Forums, "if a lower tier player defeats a higher tier player in Match Play, the lower tier player's average will drop." I understand members have made this statement, so I am asking if this is valid? For example, I know (1st hand) of the exact scenario occurring multiple times and the lower tier player's average remains the same. Stop right there! They were honest wins by the lower tier player. No conspiracy was concocted!
Please advise.
WGT won't. You might want to search their news of the second half of 2012 for any notice on "anti-sandbagging action".
The tiering process has been their secret as long as I have been playing, so no details and no numbers have ever been given by them. Only scarcely have they pointed to the average and round number lists given by the users as "good guesses". Alas, I'm sure that these sets of data and procedure description are correct. Others have minor flaws.
Concerning match play, I can confirm that my TM average dropped substantially by each of my two match play wins against Legends in 2012. Also have I seen at least one user advancing from Master to Legend with no single strokeplay round last year, probably only by matchplay. There is some suspicion though that terms may have changed in the meantime, perhaps some matches have been excluded?
No intention to offend anybody with the following:
Concerning your scenario notice, I'm afraid to say that I doubt such reports regarding their precision and completeness, e.g.:
- has the average been observed vigilantly, making sure to know the number exactly before and after the match? Have the relevant pages been updated?
- was it rated or challenge matches, opposite to practice matches?
Last but not least, we don't know if all rated matches are included in the count today.