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Fri, Feb 28 2014 4:15 PM (39 replies)
  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Sun, Feb 23 2014 5:21 AM

    Gerald, I recently (last 2 weeks) built myself a new system and installed firefox nightly 64 bit version and to be honest I have had no problems whatsoever with my meter. Here is the Link , You got nothing to lose give it a go see if it resolves your meter issues, hope so.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 7:57 PM


    Gerald, I recently (last 2 weeks) built myself a new system and installed firefox nightly 64 bit version and to be honest I have had no problems whatsoever with my meter. Here is the Link , You got nothing to lose give it a go see if it resolves your meter issues, hope so.

    Well Mushy i had my buddy come over and look at this new computer. He could not get the game to play on it either. Meter totally unplayable.

    Looked a cpu usage and never went above 8%. Tried about 10 different browsers also.

    He said this new computer i have is one of the best gaming computers on the market today. I showed him my old HP that i play on now. He could not explain why this computer will play the game but only using Chrome.

    I never tried that link Mushy. You said you use the nightly version? I see two on the link. Which one is the nightly version?

    Like you said though..... he said if this new computer will not play this game not worth the troubles to play it. He actually got a lil frustrated himself. lol

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 8:28 PM

    Like you said though..... he said if this new computer will not play this game not worth the troubles to play it. He actually got a lil frustrated himself. lol

    Can you get to a Dell shop??

    Try the game on a similar computer there? If it plays could be a hardware fault?  Tried other flash games to see if they run fine?

    Out of ideas after that.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 9:19 PM


    Like you said though..... he said if this new computer will not play this game not worth the troubles to play it. He actually got a lil frustrated himself. lol

    Can you get to a Dell shop??

    Try the game on a similar computer there? If it plays could be a hardware fault?  Tried other flash games to see if they run fine?

    Out of ideas after that.

    Hmm  Good idea Jim. I did though try other flash games. It played them without any problems. Actually my buddy played plenty of other games he plays on it. I don't know much but looked like these games he was playing were pretty serious. He said my computer was......" The Bomb ".  Whatever the hell that means? lol

    Going to go on Dell's website and see if have any spots where might could bring computer for them to check it out. Like said this computer was built with nothing on it. Straight up for gaming.

    Like i said Jim. These games he was playing,, if i was going to guess i would say my shite is working perfect. Yup

    Edit: Also Jim it plays the game very good. Loads instantly blah blah. Just do not have a playable meter. Meter is jumping a half inch at a time. Watching cpu usage the whole time. Never going above like 8%.

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 10:18 PM



    Like you said though..... he said if this new computer will not play this game not worth the troubles to play it. He actually got a lil frustrated himself. lol

    Can you get to a Dell shop??

    Try the game on a similar computer there? If it plays could be a hardware fault?  Tried other flash games to see if they run fine?

    Out of ideas after that.

    Hmm  Good idea Jim. I did though try other flash games. It played them without any problems. Actually my buddy played plenty of other games he plays on it. I don't know much but looked like these games he was playing were pretty serious. He said my computer was......" The Bomb ".  Whatever the hell that means? lol

    Going to go on Dell's website and see if have any spots where might could bring computer for them to check it out. Like said this computer was built with nothing on it. Straight up for gaming.

    Like i said Jim. These games he was playing,, if i was going to guess i would say my shite is working perfect. Yup

    Edit: Also Jim it plays the game very good. Loads instantly blah blah. Just do not have a playable meter. Meter is jumping a half inch at a time. Watching cpu usage the whole time. Never going above like 8%.

    Gerald that sounds like an internet issue, very similar to issues I get here in China.

    Run a speedtest on your internet connection test what you're getting not what you pay for. For reasons never properly explained to me WGT doesn't need very high internet speeds but it does need absolutely consistent internet speeds, if your speed drops significantly for even a thousandth of a second WGT freaks out!

    This is one of the most popular sites

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 10:42 PM

    For reasons never properly explained to me WGT doesn't need very high internet speeds but it does need absolutely consistent internet speeds, if your speed drops significantly for even a thousandth of a second WGT freaks out!

    Good one.  Come to think of it ages ago I had a shyte meter for a while.  

    Are you hard wired to the router? Will rule out a faulty wireless?

    I only thought of the router when my daughter started complaining her internet was dropping out.  Eventually looked at the router and lights not flashing as they should instruction book in hand.

  • ScottHope
    10,646 Posts
    Fri, Feb 28 2014 1:48 AM

    With your new PC Gerald, do the dots on the putting grid move smoothly or do they stutter too?

  • WillyBigg
    2,135 Posts
    Fri, Feb 28 2014 5:47 AM

    Ask your internet provider tech support if they see any dropped packets in your connection. This does not cause any obvious problems like disconnections, but plays heck with the wgt meter. It's happened to me a few times, from squirrels chewing on cables. If you are hard cabled to modem/router replace cable to rule that out. Your IP is the 1st place to start, if they can't help over the phone, have them come out and test your connection completely.

    What did your buddy say about your flash storage being empty?

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Fri, Feb 28 2014 4:15 PM


    With your new PC Gerald, do the dots on the putting grid move smoothly or do they stutter too?

    No Scott the dots on the putting grid move very smooth.

    I tell you what is crazy. At lunch today i stopped over at the Geek squad and talked to a few techs over there.

     He said he has had many people come to him with this game trying to get a decent meter.

    He said the game play can be totally different depending on which WGT server that you are on. He said you could have smooth game play one minute, and change servers and have game go to shite. He said game he would not play. He said different players get different game play. Very interesting to say the least. I did have my suspicions, hearing that could do nothing but laugh.

    Have not check my internet speed yet. Although i do have the new AT&T Uverse fiber optic crap. Supposed to be the best.

    Checked Dell's website. Going to called them next week and talk to tech there.

    What is funny though still using the old HP with broken flash storage and Chrome and game play is butter.

    O well like said going to get in touch with Dell. If not just play on this computer. Does seem like a lot to play a flash based game.