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Ready Go's for Legends with Higher Stroke Average?

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Sun, Feb 23 2014 10:57 AM (8 replies)
  • 8802
    4,382 Posts
    Sat, Feb 22 2014 7:08 PM

    I used to love playing Ready Gos, I was an addict.  But since turning Legend months ago, I hardly ever play them.  Why?  Because I have no chance, so why blow my credits.  I can't post 26-29 unless I am out of my mind on fire, which rarely happens.

    Let's face it, there are legends and there are LEGENDS.

    How about creating Ready Go tournaments for Legends with, say a 63.0 or higher average?


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Feb 22 2014 7:34 PM


    I understand your point but would just create baggers IMO. As it takes 500 rounds minimum to get to TL, some players would shoot well in a RG then poorly in other rounds.

    I am just an average legend, but even my average is lowish now as I have saturated the tier. I  certainly  do not hit 26's or 27s often but just because my average is lower than 63 it would exclude me. 

    We have tiers, sure there are some players much better but that is life. I do not hear the average pros asking for their own tour so they have a chance aways from the Tigers, Rorys and Phils etc.

    Someone has to set the bar height, and we can only try to make it.

  • Keysy1
    1 Posts
    Sat, Feb 22 2014 7:59 PM

    Someone has just shot 58 and 58 at Congressional in The Trans America Classic.  That is human play, this is automated, the chances of someone shooting 58 unlimited then 58 single must be 100000/1  

    BORING, totally boring WGT

  • 8802
    4,382 Posts
    Sat, Feb 22 2014 9:10 PM

    Gotcha.  Reminds me of the college player that cleans up at the local events but can't make a cut on the big stage.

  • xstinsonx
    363 Posts
    Sun, Feb 23 2014 4:44 AM

    Reminds me of the college player that cleans up at the local events but can't make a cut on the big stage.

    There are many real life players who had great collegiate career's but just couldn't make it on tour. I'm not sure how that analogy makes sense comparing that to a virtual game. You try playing golf on a tour and see how you handle your nerves and if you can play the same round of golf. 

  • 8802
    4,382 Posts
    Sun, Feb 23 2014 5:34 AM


     I'm not sure how that analogy makes sense comparing that to a virtual game. You try playing golf on a tour and see how you handle your nerves and if you can play the same round of golf. 

    It makes perfect sense.  I cleaned up in Master and Tour Master Ready-Go events (ie college player winning locally) and can't compete in Legend Ready-Gos (PGA Tour).

    I've been a single digit for over thirty years and played competitively, so FYI, I understand the real game.

  • commonguymd
    303 Posts
    Sun, Feb 23 2014 6:46 AM

    Since becoming a Legend, breaking the top 500 in a big tourney is an accomplishment .  Ready Go's I haven't waded into yet since it's merely a donation.  Did pretty good as a tour master in the tourneys I did play.  Whole different animal now.  Scores are much lower.  Ironically my scores have gone way up since turning legend.  I know how averages are calculated and I am not talking about that - talking about my scores in general.  Still have fun though. 

  • xstinsonx
    363 Posts
    Sun, Feb 23 2014 10:09 AM


    It makes perfect sense.  I cleaned up in Master and Tour Master Ready-Go events (ie college player winning locally) and can't compete in Legend Ready-Gos (PGA Tour).

    I've been a single digit for over thirty years and played competitively, so FYI, I understand the real game.

    I misunderstood what you said. For some reason I thought you were talking about someone sandbagging at local events but can't play at a higher level. It was early in the morning and that's what I get for commenting when I'm half awake. Sorry.

    Although I believe if you make high average legend ready-go's that will not solve anything. What would keep someone like myself from shooting high scores in normal ranked and then cleaning up in higher average ready-go's? It's not hard to maintain a high average on this game. If people want to sandbag its very easy to do so.


  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Sun, Feb 23 2014 10:57 AM

    Someone has just shot 58 and 58 at Congressional in The Trans America Classic.

    And they only have 26 ranked rounds (Level 80 Master)!!!! And more bling (diamonds) than Jay-Z, Half-Dollar, and Lil Rain combined :) I wonder if that will scroll across the golf channel.