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Has it been changed?

rated by 0 users
Tue, Feb 25 2014 11:57 AM (7 replies)
  • Ianzzz
    6,373 Posts
    Mon, Feb 24 2014 3:33 PM

    Several members of my CC are asking so here I am..

    Not long ago, if a TM won a stroke/matchplay ranked game against a Legend, then an unspecific amount (as far as I know about .7) was knocked off the average,

    Has this changed?

    Several are finding that now winning in said games makes no difference

    Just curious........

  • chuddlymccannon
    298 Posts
    Mon, Feb 24 2014 3:52 PM

    This is a very good question that I am not sure anyone knows the answer for.

    I think for some people it matters and for some it doesn't

    It was actually discussed not long ago.

    I can tell you that when I was a TM a beat a Legend and it made no difference in my average or in my standing as a TM.

    But others said that in CC tourneys that some members that were TM beat Legends and became Legends themselves.  I am unaware if their average changed.

    This is all for match play.  I don't think stroke play matters

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Feb 24 2014 9:08 PM

    As a TM, I experienced said 0.7 average drop in rated matchplay(!) against Legends shorty after it was introduced in Oct. 2012, helping me to advance to Legend. Now there have been a few reports of "no impact".

    The definition of the sandbagging measures has always pointed to challenge matches, i.e. credits at stake. It has been repeated lately. My guess is, they did not exclude "friendly" matches in the beginning, but they might do so now.

  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Tue, Feb 25 2014 4:53 AM


    Several members of my CC are asking so here I am..

    Not long ago, if a TM won a stroke/matchplay ranked game against a Legend, then an unspecific amount (as far as I know about .7) was knocked off the average,

    Has this changed?

    Several are finding that now winning in said games makes no difference

    Just curious........

    I ran into someone a while ago a master who was plowing Legends down in MPC, right left and center, his record was approx 106 to 7 against Legends, it seemed to me there was no effect anymore and it had changed back, but then others were still complaining it was happening to them. Nearest I could figure, if you looked at someone that was not effected, look at the course they beat the Legends on, I seen a pattern there, but the sample size was small, so who knows. Maybe it has changed back, who knows.

  • BubbaSauce
    260 Posts
    Tue, Feb 25 2014 6:06 AM

    I became a Tour Master just last Friday. I beat a Legend last night in MP and saw my average go down. I have never paid attention to the amount of decrease, so I don't know what it was last night.


  • TarheelsRule
    5,611 Posts
    Tue, Feb 25 2014 8:49 AM

    I know this happened a while back but I'm not positive of the impact on average.  In reality it should never effect your average only your advancement, my opinion is that average should be based on scoring not match play wins.

    I did have a couple of friends who made Legend and were serving as "Legend Makers", they would play and lose matches against Masters and Tour Masters to help them advance.  I never understood the theory of early advancement, I think you should advance by playing all the courses and advancing as you truly averaged down.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Feb 25 2014 9:02 AM

    I beat a Legend last night in MP
    Were there credits involved?

  • BubbaSauce
    260 Posts
    Tue, Feb 25 2014 11:57 AM


    I beat a Legend last night in MP
    Were there credits involved?
