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Just a Thought about Swing Choices

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Fri, May 29 2009 6:30 AM (1 replies)
  • KnuckleWoods
    2,529 Posts
    Fri, May 29 2009 5:48 AM

    Been playing about 2 months now, I do like the game alot. After playing this game & other different golf games it does take awhile to get used to the swing type of the game. After talking to alot of my friends & reading the comments in the forum I have something you may want to implement into the game if you could. The swing meter can be hard to be consistent at. Some people can do it no problem but others are having alot of problems with it. My thought on this issue: Would there be a way to use the mouse for your swing, pulling the mouse back for backswing, rolling it forward for your swing. It works that way on the Tiger Woods PC Version. Fade & Draw works the same way also. That would give the person the option on what works best for them. There are flaws & glitches in every game you play so I've learn to deal with it. But here it may help out people who don't like the swing meter issues. Thanks !

  • monkeyass
    31 Posts
    Fri, May 29 2009 6:30 AM

    Thats a good idea!  But you didn't sound like a ten year old or use caps, so don't expect too much of a response.