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Ties I understand how they are broken but......

rated by 0 users
Sun, Mar 23 2014 12:32 PM (10 replies)
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  • gdog8
    1,356 Posts
    Tue, Feb 25 2014 1:26 PM

    If you are tied why can't wgt post the scorecard of the winner to show how the tie was broken relative to your score.  I think it would be neat to show  you how and why you were beaten and on what hole?  Just more information would be great to see what you needed to do to win.  I know probably asking for too much but now as I understand we are just taking wgt's word on the final results.  They have been known to make a few clerical errors in the past.  Just a thought thanks any and all thoughts and suggestions on this subject are appreciated and will be read.  Thanks again-gdog8

  • gdog8
    1,356 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 3:13 PM


  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 3:24 PM

    The idea has merit g. Can't really see any player not wanting to know how they won or lost.

    Can't personally see it happening though.  Would involve more programming, code, work etc and we all know how that can turn out.  Not to mention with all the bugs that still exist and the many other suggestions and wants from the community, I can only see it ending up on the bottom of a pile somewhere

    I do agree with you tho. It would be nice if we, the players, had the ability to verify what happened in case the person or program that is checking that stuff has a hangover and is prone to mistakes

  • gdog8
    1,356 Posts
    Sat, Mar 22 2014 11:44 AM

    Thank you jsweet for the response, I'm going to bump again to see if I can generate more opinions.  Sorry, If bumping your own thread is poor taste.  Just looking for more opinions from any and all players.  Thanks again for any responses.-gdog8

  • ksinfield
    310 Posts
    Sat, Mar 22 2014 12:19 PM

    from faq.


      over on the right hand side.


       How are ties handled? In the event of a tie, the better scoring entrant between or among the tied entrants will be the entrant with the lowest combined score for the final nine (9) holes of the Game. If any ties remain, the better scoring entrant between or among the remaining tied entrants will be the entrant with the lowest combined score for the final six (6) holes for such Game. If any ties remain, the better scoring entrant between or among the remaining tied entrants will be the entrant with the lowest combined score for the final three (3) holes for such Game. If any ties remain, the better scoring entrant between or among the remaining tied entrants will be the entrant with the lowest score for the 18th hole (9th for nine hole games) in such Game, and any remaining ties will be determined by identifying the lowest scoring entrant for each individual game hole, in sequence from 17th (8th for nine hole games) through to 1st, as is necessary to determine a winner, and if any ties remain at that point, the earlier-submitted entry between or among the tied entries will be deemed the better scoring entry. If multiple people tie for a place, the percentages for those places will be added up and divided by the number of people who tied for the place. For example, if three people tie for 2nd place, the percentages for 2nd, 3rd and 4th place will be totaled up and divided by three. Each player would receive the same amount. 5th place will then get the correct 5th place percentage.

  • gdog8
    1,356 Posts
    Sat, Mar 22 2014 12:40 PM

    Thanks, but that's not the question, please reread original posting.  Not what I'm asking mate. I also I'm familiar with the faq and search box lol.  Thank you-gdog8

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sat, Mar 22 2014 2:00 PM


    i don't know if this will ever happen but ii'll add it to the list :)


  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sun, Mar 23 2014 8:21 AM


    Thank you jsweet for the response, I'm going to bump again to see if I can generate more opinions.  Sorry, If bumping your own thread is poor taste.  Just looking for more opinions from any and all players.  Thanks again for any responses.-gdog8

    I don't see it as poor taste so I'll chime in. It appears all positions on a leaderboard are subject to tiebreaker rules not just first place. I don't see it as plausible for WGT to post all the scorecards where tiebreakers were applied. I do agree for first place it's a sound idea and players who didn't come first, but had a tied for first place score, would want to know how they were beaten as applied by the tiebreaker. Bottom line, good idea but I don't see WGT taking the time to make it happen on their " mysterious and unseen list".  I wish we could look at a leaderboard and click on any name and see their card in that Tourney regardless of position like any Pro Golf Tourney. I suppose that won't make "the list" either. ;)
  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Sun, Mar 23 2014 9:57 AM

    wish we could look at a leaderboard and click on any name and see their card in that Tourney regardless of position


  • alosso
    21,093 Posts
    Sun, Mar 23 2014 10:59 AM

    To publish the scorecards may be worth a thought for the ties for 1st place, if you do neglect the fact that we all depend on a correctly working (or failing) game in toto.

    Alas, which advantage would be given for ties at umpteenth place by knowing how their sequence was elaborated? Eventually, they all get the same prize, if any.

    Add program complication, expansion of data space and privacy matters:
    100% No! by me.

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