As I already said indeed, get a switch option on the gameclient will be a great recovery, the putting grid size and shine is really strong for the classic game line and even for the eyes.
I was an Hack and an Amateur tier less then 3 years and I found by myself that this game will be hard (not for ev'ryone) but I'm still here as good as the rest of the guys who answer in this thread and learn, without easy way as Bloshoe wrote, to "feel" the putting session. The new players got nothing more special then me or over "old players" that spend time and money for so long, so did you ever publicly ask to those old players what would make them happy. Did you ever rewarded their constancy.
Nothing to say about the updates, You do a great work as usual trying to make customers happy but ev'rytime You do something that warm up the crowds, the real community, the ones that are always present in the forums and in discussions for the WGT community, not the fake multiaccounters or cheaters or players for one day.
Just a little note: before present an item, test it with the customers.