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*** Downtime tonight 2/25/14 ***

Sun, Mar 2 2014 8:50 PM (105 replies)
  • Lizard69
    2,006 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 5:51 AM

    It might just be me but does the game look "sharper" and more detailed?

    I did clean my screen while waiting for WGT to come back online and that may be the reason why it looks so much better lol

    2 choices, congrats to WGT for making the game look better than it did yesterday or see an Optometrist very soon.

    Ah well, on we go.


  • MukilteoMike1
    46 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 5:51 AM

    Hmmm.  Not sure if the new putting grid is better or not.  Thankfully I've only been playing for a couple months so not a huge deal; will just take a bit of adaptation and getting used to.  I guess this makes an excellent time to buy a new putter. :)

    This is my guess as to what the response is going to be.  Players who have been around for a long time will hate it.  However, I think new/future players will like it.  It looks cleaner, I think.  It just is confusing the heck out of me at the moment.  Couldn't make any putts my first round through (and that's all I've done so far).

    I will say I hate not being able to use the chip/putting trick for greens when you're a full shot out.  I guess that's probably an effort to promote their notebooks?  Course knowledge is now more important.

  • Foresight0311
    1,212 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 5:58 AM


    ... and what the hell happened to my pitch/chip putting grid??????

    The "pitch" view from the tee (on a par 3) and fairways (on par 4/5) used to show the putting grid, which was helpful for a number of reasons.  

    If WGT has removed it with a purpose, then mustn't someone from WGT articulate why it has been done.  If, however, it is not reflecting due to some technical reason, then rectify it because the game cannot suddenly become devoid of a vital tool on a wednesday morning in the month of Feb 2014.

  • 18anyday
    1 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 6:04 AM

    Agreed. The pitch/chip grid is as essential for approach shots as for putting. WHY is it no longer available???


  • Chubby1414
    9 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 6:06 AM

    These new changes are horrible!!!! The pitch putting grid is needed for the contours of these greens. How can changes be made to make the game worse? Such a terrific site but it seems change must be made for the sake of change. The larger putting circles are more confusing then helpful. WGT please put things back the way they were!!!!

  • Tamsach
    2,823 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 6:10 AM



    Bigger dots are awful, dumbest change yet. If you can't improve the game, leave it the fk alone.


     I am so P.O.'d at you people what the hell are you thinking with these dots that are just as big as you ball?????? you need to fire this moron who thought and did this. GET RID  of them and what the hell happened to my pitch/chip putting grid??????

    Frankly speaking I had some difficult to realize that the dots are now bigger than before. It's just a slight increase, no problem with it. Maybe a good idea for some almost blind person! lol  Bye

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 6:14 AM


    Day i resort to paying $7 for a sleeve of virtual balls, giving this damn game up. lol

    That'll be the same day the men in white coats come and drag me away.


  • bifferskipper
    76 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 6:24 AM




    Bigger dots are awful, dumbest change yet. If you can't improve the game, leave it the fk alone.


     I am so P.O.'d at you people what the hell are you thinking with these dots that are just as big as you ball?????? you need to fire this moron who thought and did this. GET RID  of them and what the hell happened to my pitch/chip putting grid??????

    Frankly speaking I had some difficult to realize that the dots are now bigger than before. It's just a slight increase, no problem with it. Maybe a good idea for some almost blind person! lol  Bye

    I knew this would cause a reply like yours. I should have just wrote directly to WGT


  • pjschaub
    173 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 6:30 AM


    Packs to Purchase:
    Total Cost:
    600 Cr
    This may be not on the top of Screw ups at this point, but I have to know is this something that some genius thought that it would help in one area to fix another. By taking away the remainder of the credits I have left (which I can figure for my self), would help the game in general. So many other bugs out there to play around with the Pro Shop!
  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 7:17 AM

    Another bug or glitch??


    Started a CC qualifier round on BOF this morning.  Started off birdie, eagle, then left the game for breakfast.  When I came back and logged in, WGT did not give me the option to continue the game or to forfeit, it went straight into the gameclient with no options what so ever!!??  Always, in the past, one could simply exit mid game when playing single ranked round play, and upon return would be given the option to continue or to forfeit.