opyeuclid:I just want to know how this will " Improve your Multiplayer Experience "?
Needs explaining.
Just asking for proof of names, ages and addresses so that marketers get to deal with a site that does so???
Supply something convincing, including verification of random audits and how that works, and I might be all for it.
Yeah i for one would love to hear this stupid shite. Verifying a account will improve your multiplayer experience?
Wtf are these idiots thinking? Mofo's must live in the attic.
Hey Icon... you think you could explain this please? Can't wait for this one. This should be good. :))
I think you answered the question when you noticed the gift cards are back in the Elite section of the Pro Shop. If WGT is going to let members turn credits back into real world monetary value, they want to be sure the member is actually who they claim to be and "where" they claim to live[cough] Flag Changers[/cough]. The improvement for multi player and the Ready Go Master is that choice to take credits from stiffs and make real money with it again.
CD do you realize how easy that would be to fake. The reason my State is listed as one that can not be verified. Louisiana mate don't play that crooked shite.
I could set up 10 fake accounts and verify them in 10 minutes. So easy not even funny. Internet fraud simple. Happens all the time. My State has serious law against that.
Getting picture ids is simple... addresses simple again. Bills with your name on it... no problem. Then how about i hide my IP address. lol Another simple thing to do. See where i'm going?
How you going to know its me? When you don't even have my IP address. Yup a joke.
People on here are cheating for wgt credits!
What do they think will happen when they allow it to be turned into cash?
For sure mate. Will be thousands of fake accounts verified in couple of days i would believe.
I wonder how many players here actually use their real IP address. Really you would be a fool too use it.
I never use my real IP address when going on any site such as this. Way to many shady deals on the internet today. This whole friggen site is shady.
Think about that for a second. Would you believe anything these people that run this site tell you?
Yeah that is what i thought.