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*** Downtime tonight 2/25/14 ***

Sun, Mar 2 2014 8:50 PM (105 replies)
  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 12:47 PM


    Gotta be just thinking fill the swag bag and run soon??

    That is what it looks like Jim. From my understanding going to be a couple of golf games coming out very soon.

    One from what i hear very very soon. I would think just by looking at their forums that WGT is going to take a pretty good hit.

    Yup looks like get the money and run.

    To come out with a ball that performs like that,,then charge $7 a sleeve they are obviously not worried about this games future.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 12:53 PM

    Funniest thing I've seen  on the forum since Andy's "WGT Hitler"  video.

    Yeah LV, keep searching for the original but can only find secondary version ( 1st cut ? )

    Too funny, used to watch it ev day to start the day off right ! :-)))

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 1:02 PM

    From my understanding going to be a couple of golf games coming out very soon.

    WGT is going to take a pretty good hit.

    To come out with a ball that performs like that,,then charge $7 a sleeve they are obviously not worried about this games future.

    Encouragement to mutli account, sandbag, and kick in the teeth bottom and top ones for loyal players

    $7 for a ball that was absolutely not wanted by any half decent player, quite the opposite in fact. Then real gift cards for credits.........

    Only a promised real course, but a pitch and putt that few give half a stuff about real soon.  Not hard to work out how long these "people" expect to be around...............Lost all respect and loyalty from me.

    Anyway caught the programmers boss speaking:

  • nigyrob
    92 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 1:27 PM

    Isn't it funny that when WGT do something good (Which rarely happens these days anyway) they are all over the forums soaking up the congratulatory praises, patting everyone on the back and slapping each other's asses.........

    ...........but when they come up with shite like this you never ever see them cause they're cowering all together and hiding under the stairs in that dark cupboard.

    MAN UP WGT.....Its about time you came on here and answer'd some of the pertinent questions that have been posed to you!!!   Stop burying your heads in the sand thinking "If I keep quiet it will all go away" and let's see some transparency on your part on this site once and for all

     I don't post much but I read lots and it seems to be the norm throughout these forums whenever ppl are upset about something you're never around to step up to the tee and explain things!!

    .........and $7 a sleeve....FFS   The more you place ridiculous prices on things the more multi accounts and going to be born!!

    Go figure...........

  • SPINO1
    5,394 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 2:06 PM


    So the new putting dots are to make the game easier ....why ??? 25/50 shots a round not easy enough ????

    Maybe a few players were moaning about it being difficult to putt...were they actually asking for bigger dots?  or in fact just a realisation that it is in fact not TWO easy so they gave up early. 

    A suggestion for you to convey Shoe if i may....

    When something  is released in an update why dont you ask for feedback and rectify after say 1 week if its the agreement of the paying could even have it as a separate thread.

                                          FEEDBACK FOR UPDATE 02-25-14

              Please rate our latest up-dates (1) being poor (10) being excellent

    # New putting grid             1

    # 700 credit nike                1

    Here is my ratings,,,see how it goes


  • WoodenHands
    526 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 3:47 PM

    WTF WGT I have just played a couple of games , the whole game was in slow motion , meter , shots, arrow , the lot !!!! If this is meant to be an improvement well its a massive own goal! Also the dots on the green .... Why did they need to be bigger ? Also no grid for the pitching ? Anyway i have played with 3 people who have been on here for 3 years and they are questioning the way the game has changed today! Also I have a great internet speed so its not the connection ok!!!!!

    Same for me , just played 9 holes on Oakmont , normally take about 15 mins ,  took me 40 ! I seemed to strike a pose for about 30 secs before hitting each shot , so damn frustrating .

    My internet speed is good too , also i've cleared my caches and i've changed nothing on my PC either , so why is everything so slow to load ?

  • burchell123
    362 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 4:37 PM



    So the new putting dots are to make the game easier ....why ??? 25/50 shots a round not easy enough ????

    Maybe a few players were moaning about it being difficult to putt...were they actually asking for bigger dots?  or in fact just a realisation that it is in fact not TWO easy so they gave up early. 

    A suggestion for you to convey Shoe if i may....

    When something  is released in an update why dont you ask for feedback and rectify after say 1 week if its the agreement of the paying could even have it as a separate thread.

                                          FEEDBACK FOR UPDATE 02-25-14

              Please rate our latest up-dates (1) being poor (10) being excellent

    # New putting grid             1

    # 700 credit nike                1

    Here is my ratings,,,see how it goes


    #New putting grid 0

    #700 credit nike    0

  • 6tee9
    849 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 4:49 PM

    Hole in one ball coming soon! We all get to shoot 18. Goofy Golf! lol

  • hpurey
    11,520 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 5:00 PM


    WTF WGT I have just played a couple of games , the whole game was in slow motion , meter , shots, arrow , the lot !!!! If this is meant to be an improvement well its a massive own goal! Also the dots on the green .... Why did they need to be bigger ? Also no grid for the pitching ? Anyway i have played with 3 people who have been on here for 3 years and they are questioning the way the game has changed today! Also I have a great internet speed so its not the connection ok!!!!!


    Same for me , just played 9 holes on Oakmont , normally take about 15 mins ,  took me 40 ! I seemed to strike a pose for about 30 secs before hitting each shot , so damn frustrating .

    My internet speed is good too , also i've cleared my caches and i've changed nothing on my PC either , so why is everything so slow to load ?

    I had to clear my cache/cookies more than once just to get my play now button to appear. But after doing so, all game play has been normal behavior here. 

  • bifferskipper
    76 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 5:38 PM


                            FEEDBACK FOR UPDATE 02-25-14

              Please rate our latest up-dates (1) being poor (10) being excellent

    # New putting grid             1

    # 700 credit nike                1

    Here is my ratings,,,see how it goes

     double goose eggs from me oh wait that's the bad ZERO AND ZERO