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Elk's Michael Sam Comments

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Wed, Feb 26 2014 2:25 PM (2 replies)
  • brewerboy36
    8 Posts
    Tue, Feb 25 2014 8:20 PM

    Hey Guys

    If you haven't heard on SportsCenter or in the news yet, Steve Elkington tweeted a joke about Michael Sam participating in a "handbag toss" event at the combine and that no other athletes were scheduled to take part in that particular joke.  Obviously a reference to Sam's recent disclosure of his homosexuality.  I'm not gay, nor am I an activist for the gay community.  But I am all for the idea of live and let live and also the truly American principles of freedom of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, without being harassed for the lifestyle one follows, whether chosen or not.  I'm not urging anyone to boycott the Elk's Big Show tournament on WGT, but I am letting the community know that I will play no further rounds in it.  I know that won't affect Elk or really anyone in a major way, but I hope my withdrawal will send a message, however big or small, that harassment and pointed jokes of this sort are simply not cool and not funny.   Sorry Elk


  • GlassMan27
    573 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 2:08 PM

    He was taking a jab at ESPN and the rest of the media for the way they're covering Michael Sam. People are just far too sensitive. Although it's sad that he had to explain himself, he later did... "I'm for Sam I'm against ESPN telling me he's gay...."

  • brewerboy36
    8 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 2:25 PM

    I'm one of the first people to say that people are too sensitive and that political correctness is ruining things in the US.  But no, that's not what Elk was doing when he tweeted that.  That explanation was his excuse, a twist of his words in hindsight to make it look like he's taking issue with ESPN, which really didn't get him anywhere either.  I agree that the issue of gay athletes in major pro sports is way more overblown than it needs to be.  Shoulda been a non issue a long time ago and ESPN and the media needs to give it a rest.  But even if that is the case, what reason would someone have to really care so much about the way the media covers something that doesn't affect him in the slightest?  No.  That was a shot fired at Sam and the prospect of a gay athlete.  Either way, high profile athletes and especially those with their sanctioned organization in their twitter handle should use better judgement before firing shots, whether a line was crossed or not.