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For Heavens Sake !!

Thu, Feb 27 2014 6:26 AM (7 replies)
  • Fencer100
    2,065 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 1:01 AM

    I have been reading this forum since yesterday, and all I seem to read are whines and moans about the latest tweaks to this game.

    For heavens sake get real,is it going to make a huge difference to your scores? I think for the majority of us it will make no real difference. So just adapt your game,and the top players who post in here would serve a better purpose sharing their knowledge and skills to us lesser mortals rather than whining and bleating. After nearly every downtime the whiners and bleaters are popping out to have a  moan.

    So come on,give WGT some credit,they have devised a great game that large numbers of people enjoy playing. The vast majority don't moan and enjoy the game and the tweaks don't make any difference to us really.

    So there had my say,and I just know the abuse and villification will be heaped on me for daring to critisice these people,because what do I know,I'm only an average legend player ! But hey,you know what I don't care !!!!!


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 1:16 AM

    I'm with you sir. At the end of the day nobody died. It's just a silly game.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 1:26 AM


    Some seemingly think that the world should stay the same eternally, and that THEIR post should be considered more than the dozens with the same contents before. Next step might be to sue the company for compensation due to the modified green dots! ;)

    OTOH, I suffer on each update, seeing the new flaws being implemented. Today, it's the diminished grid visibility, but there have been more serious mistakes.

    Did we really need those bigger dots while nerve rackers like the challenge scamming "feature" or the bag issue stay untouched, apparently?

  • JasonNumber100
    2,918 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 1:41 AM

    At last, somebody who talks common sense. Well done, Fencer.

    I didn't notice anything different, apart from the big dots on the green. WGT must think I'm getting old, so they do it in large print for me lol.

    Nobody likes change. However, if you don't change you get left behind. I think it's called innovation. If anybody can find a better golf game then they are free to leave. So many people come on the forums complaining, they threaten to leave, but most come back again. They enjoy moaning and like the attention their remarks get in the forums.

    I'm getting very frustrated at the moment with how I'am playing. I get so annoyed, but I keep it to myself. I don't go on forums moaning about the game. I know a good round is just around the corner. Hope springs eternal.

    Fencer, if you are an average Legend then I'm a very poor Legend.

  • BubbaSauce
    260 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 4:16 AM

    Totally agree with the OP.

    I read all kinds of stuff yesterday about how bad the update was. I was even hesitant to play later in the evening when I had a chance. But I did anyway. It was after 6:00pm CST, so maybe some tweaks were already made, but.....

    Are you kidding me? The dots are too big? The change was barely noticeable to me. And the grid appeared on every chip, pitch and flop shot I tried.

    I found nothing particularly annoying about the game play last night, except for maybe my playing.

  • devonnnnn
    1,085 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 5:32 AM

    I agree. If you don't  like the updates of a game, simply don't plat it. 

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 6:12 AM

    I didn't get the chance to notice the dots, that was not the reason for my thread  (one of the first of not THE first) complaining about probably the worst update since I've been here. My complaint (now fixed) was the removal of the ability to view the putting grid from off the green. An oversight and mistake they've admitted to which they probably wouldn't have noticed  had it not been for threads complaining.

    Complaints without substance are annoying (but ignorable) however when you pay for something and it is ruined (albeit temporarily) I think complaining is justified. Of course if you don't like the complaints you can do what WGT usually do ... not read them.

  • chuddlymccannon
    298 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 6:26 AM

    The changes as they are NOW are really no big deal! 

    Anyone and everyone will get used to them

    However, if you spent time on here in the Eastern standard A.M. hours.  When some people had putting grids only and some people had to get within 50 yds. to bring up the grid and then first activate the putter.  For some people that didn't matter even.

    The problem was escalated by the dots.

    I think many peoples bigger problem is the fact that we find more and more every day that from one person to the next we are not playing the same game.  Similar............. YES!  the same............. NO!

    I will complain, with the amount of money I stick into this game every month I will.

    And yes, I don't do free credits.  I have to make the choice to do free credits and eat data or to play the game and eat data.  I personally choose to play the game and eat data  Because, I only have so much data a month.

    I would like more answers.  They don't have to give them.  they are entitled to do that.  But, we can still ask.

    As far as people playing different games on here....... The next time, someone ask a question in the forums about something not working properly, he/she should not be put down with the normal "it's your computer, clean your cache................." and all of that in a snide manner.

    In some cases it may be the persons computer, In some it may not.  Just because something works on your computer doesn't mean it will work on others.

    I still can't save a game and come back to it.  If I have to edit my clubs before joining a game say par 3, par 5.  I can't.........  I have to back out to the game client to do this.  And, then I have to hope I can still get in to the game.