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Sat, Feb 29 2020 1:06 PM (158 replies)
  • joshpoling
    2 Posts
    Thu, Oct 30 2014 8:26 AM

    this is horrible, I agree

  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Thu, Oct 30 2014 11:58 AM

    you know good and well that replays dont show the full extent of a players shot .

    Lonnie, the operative term ,Jimbo used, was video , not WGT replay. It isn't difficult to download Bandicam or some other software (TwitchTV even) to capture your game, i.e. meter, clubs, power of shot to prove to the community that you are experiencing this "frustration" more often than anyone else.

    Fancy is a well known conspiracy theorist in these forums as well as misinformed.Fancy has gone so far as to say she/he knows a former WGT employee that privately stated: "WGT can turn VEM on anyone at any given moment."

    She/him believes that VEM stands for Virtual Ethernet Module (a Cisco Nexus 1000V, which switches data traffic on a network) and not Virtual Equipment Model, which is what WGT  has named the "algorithm" in it's registered Patent .

    As a software engineer, my understanding of the "algorithm"  flowchart is that certain criteria have to be met or exceeded before certain "actions" happen. What those actions are, who knows. Only WGT engineers know, because it is proprietary information (as it should be) and not open for public discussion.

    Shot deviations are a fact of life, based on equipment specs and user input. Have you ever had a real golf shot go astray when you know (or at least thought) you had struck it perfectly? I have in real life, as have many real golfers.

    If nothing else, Fancy's conspiracy theories are humorous. She/he has no understanding of IT, let alone software engineering.

    I ,too, would like to see her video evidence.

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Thu, Oct 30 2014 12:42 PM

    For me the problem is not with the game itself.  I think it's brilliantly done, the physics are amazing.  When you hit a ball off the tee the game engine knows where it's going to land and exactly how the ground it lands on will effect the bounce.  Every square foot, if not inch, of every fairway is mapped, most of us haven't done that with our irons for feck's sake.  They have a fantastic product here, they really do.

    However, whoever is pulling the strings and deciding how to bring that product to the customer in the most efficient way apparently used to clean the fryers at a small branch of FcDonalds.

    I feel sorry for Icon, Shoe and the admins who have to deal with us in the forums, I really do.  They probably have little or no control over which direction the game takes and equally little when it comes to dealing with customer uprisings.  The golden putter fiasco was a great example, loads of pissed off customers expressing their displeasure and what response did we get?  Sod all. 

    Then the hike in price of those new balls when it was realised they were cheaper than intended.  There was no holding you back then was there WGT?   Superman would have had trouble keeping your programmers in view as they speedily corrected their error and prevented us getting a bargain.  Nice work, great bit of PR there.  Obviously the price was an error and I understand it had to be changed but how long have we been asking for small errors to be fixed and met a wall of silence and lack of willingness to do anything positive?  Too bloody long.  Apparently it's only when it cuts into the profits that anything becomes a priority.

    I've always been a big defender of WGT, still am when it comes to the game itself in fact.  The company behind it stinks though.  If there were any competition out there then the bunch of monkeys that masquerade as managers around here would be scanning the situations vacant pages by now.

    You need to get some decent people on board, people who understand customer satisfaction otherwise this place will be dead soon.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Oct 30 2014 1:15 PM


    For me the problem is not with the game itself.  I think it's brilliantly done, the physics are amazing.  When you hit a ball off the tee the game engine knows where it's going to land and exactly how the ground it lands on will effect the bounce.  Every square foot, if not inch, of every fairway is mapped, most of us haven't done that with our irons for feck's sake.  They have a fantastic product here, they really do.

    However, whoever is pulling the strings and deciding how to bring that product to the customer in the most efficient way apparently used to clean the fryers at a small branch of FcDonalds.

    I feel sorry for Icon, Shoe and the admins who have to deal with us in the forums, I really do.  They probably have little or no control over which direction the game takes and equally little when it comes to dealing with customer uprisings.  The golden putter fiasco was a great example, loads of pissed off customers expressing their displeasure and what response did we get?  Sod all. 

    Then the hike in price of those new balls when it was realised they were cheaper than intended.  There was no holding you back then was there WGT?   Superman would have had trouble keeping your programmers in view as they speedily corrected their error and prevented us getting a bargain.  Nice work, great bit of PR there.  Obviously the price was an error and I understand it had to be changed but how long have we been asking for small errors to be fixed and met a wall of silence and lack of willingness to do anything positive?  Too bloody long.  Apparently it's only when it cuts into the profits that anything becomes a priority.

    I've always been a big defender of WGT, still am when it comes to the game itself in fact.  The company behind it stinks though.  If there were any competition out there then the bunch of monkeys that masquerade as managers around here would be scanning the situations vacant pages by now.

    You need to get some decent people on board, people who understand customer satisfaction otherwise this place will be dead soon.

    Probably the most objective post I have seen MM - and spot on the money.

    Nothing to add but I too have always promoted this game, and still do to a lessor degree, primarily due to the greed and contempt the company shows to its customers. On that note I do not envy the Mods job one iota.

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Fri, Oct 31 2014 12:22 AM



    - winning (challenge?) matches against higher tiers may (or may not) cut off substantial slices from the average. I experienced -0.7 as a TM when winning against a Legend (rated but no challenge).

    The latter describes the short route. When becoming TM with 63 average, play and win some matches against Legends and you're at 61 at lightning speed. Saturation? Dunno.

    BTW: These rules do not apply to Legends and TLs.

    None of which are abnormal . Certainly not short cuts or sandbaggish . It's a long haul to tier up no matter who you are or what methods you use .

    IBTD. To me, it's a short route to become a Legend without any ranked TM round.

    Fortunately one who tiers up too fast finds oneself spinning their wheels until their experience catches up with time .

    100% agreed. In my terms, it's the opposite of sandbagging: Egobagging!

    I don't envy these players. May they bathe in their own incompetence.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Oct 31 2014 3:56 AM

    I'm just wondering if you 'clear your cache', that might be the reason why the meter starts doing it's merry dance.

    A jumpy meter to my thinking is when your computer is doing/trying to load something in when you're playing your shot.

    When you clear your cache, then the game is loading info from Wgt,  if you don't clear your cache, then those files (or some of them) are already loaded on your puter and faster load times, which may or may not cause a meter jump.

    Just saying,  I cleared my cache a couple of weeks ago and ended up with a shocking meter. After a few days of not clearing, the meter was back to normal. Not perfect, but pretty smooth most of the time. I haven't cleared my cache since then.
