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the peoples

Thu, Mar 6 2014 8:23 AM (28 replies)
  • cesarfernandez
    439 Posts
    Sun, Mar 2 2014 2:01 AM

     Now just kick off of the this cc . Just for make tourneys ...try to change my driver ...never begging ...everybody could make tourneys except me...i think they except carsonpig are a bunch of racist against spaniards  ...ty for all carsonpig  ...go to hell Courteney

  • WEGiffels
    806 Posts
    Sun, Mar 2 2014 5:43 PM

    Perhaps you should tell the whole story.

    It wasn't 1 tournament, it was more than 10 tournaments in less than 30 days.  It was creating them when there was only 1 slot open, which the club specifically asked you not to do.  It was taking the last slot and creating a 3 round, 9 day tournament.

    And it wasn't "try to change my driver", it was repeatedly pleading with people to buy you one, even after a member VERY generously purchased the L83 Ping irons for you.  Since your memory is clearly damaged, I'd be more than happy to post links to the MULTIPLE threads you started asking for someone to buy you a new driver.

    It was asking for advice about how to improve your game, then not only completely ignoring that advice, but doing the exact opposite.  And then after posting a reply, you complained 17 minutes later than nobody was answering your post.  Oh, and it was about 7am GMT, so most of Europe was either just getting up, or had just started their day, and pretty much all of the Americas were sleeping.  But hey, the world revolves around you, right?

    And nobody gave two shits about what country you came from.  If you'd bothered to do the most basic search of the club, you'd see there were members from all over the world.  We aren't racist, we just can't stand self-centered assholes.

    Good riddance.  And good luck finding another club that will put up with your BS as long as Courteney did.

    I'm not begging #1
    I'm not begging #2
    I'm not begging #3

    There are other places, including your wall status, that show the same kind of begging.

  • westie37
    970 Posts
    Sun, Mar 2 2014 8:25 PM

    I think you should be ashamed of  yourself Cesar. You had multiple chances and warnings at the Peoples club. You received a very generous gift and ignored all warnings to try to cooperate. You can blame the language barrier all you want, but you seemed to understand plenty.

    There are people from all over the world in this club and I have found many of them to be very helpful. I posted recently for advice on whether I should get a new putter. Now keep in mind, I did not ask for someone to give me one, only if I should buy my own. What followed was a list of some very helpful hints. One member went out of his way to work up charts to try to help.

    They were willing to help you also, you just didn't choose to listen. Basically you came into the club looking to get something for nothing. Your profile stated as such. I need new clubs.

    Say what you will Cesar, you were begging then and it got you a new set of irons. You got kicked out, and rightfully so because you wouldn't stop begging. Take your free gift and shut your mouth.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Mar 2 2014 9:31 PM

    I suppose I'd better say something here. Any one that is active and friendly is welcome in my club, I don't care where they are from or what colour they are.

    I gave Cesar TWO final warnings for begging. I had to apologize to to FMagnets as Cesar posted on his wall asking for clubs. He asked for gifts while playing with another member then continually clogged up the forum and the tournaments. He never asked for game advice just kept saying that he needed better equipment.

    When I logged in each morning I had multiple messages from members asking me to get rid of him but I gave him more chances hoping he would see the light but in the end I had to remove him before other members left. Thank you.

    PS. According to Cesar only one member of my club isn't a racist. Strange that he was the one who gifted him things.


  • lethai
    330 Posts
    Sun, Mar 2 2014 11:19 PM

    330 Posts
    03-02-2014 2:01 AM

     Now just kick off of the this cc . Just for make tourneys ...try to change my driver ...never begging ...everybody could make tourneys except me...i think they except carsonpig are a bunch of racist against spaniards  ...ty for all carsonpig  ...go to hell Courteney


    Courteney is the best here and all TPC  members respect miss Courteney its clear man!! now you go to hell stupid idiot maybe some gift a new drive for you there.

  • Anonymous69
    48 Posts
    Sun, Mar 2 2014 11:22 PM

    I suppose I'd better say something here. Any one that is active and friendly is welcome in my club, I don't care where they are from or what colour they are.

    You dont need say something here, the "STATUS" of the player showing all and look well the photo of the cat...;easy of see ? to me been easy !

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Sun, Mar 2 2014 11:23 PM

    I was in The People's Club and despite the differences that lead to my removal, I was generally happy there and found most (almost all) of the members to be very friendly and helpful.

    Begging however, is a no-no in any club as is hogging the limited number of available free tournaments so I thank the posters in this thread for their input, it was enough for me to put cesar on my blocked list.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Mar 3 2014 12:54 AM

    IMHO the forums are not a place to air your dirty laundry, but as you have and included a serious allegation of racism I think Ms Fish responded in a way that showed some class and had a right to refute  those  allegations.

    I have played with a few members of the TPC and never encounter anything but good people. I have not played with Ms Fish, but I have never seen anything at all to even dream that these allegations would be true.

    Then even John, an ex member backs up the club, and if anyone had a grudge it would probably be him.

    Any begging threads are the lowest of the low, and all members should heed the rules of the club or accept the consequences.

    Good luck to the OP at his new club, but even better luck to the members if history is anything to go by.

  • carsonpig
    446 Posts
    Mon, Mar 3 2014 1:59 AM


    You draw the racist-card like a sword; racism is not a term to be thrown like snowballs, spite and hatred hurt people, you have used the word in defence of the indefensible and in doing so hoped you could smear some of those who only tried to help you, help you ignored and refused.

    You are obviously young and foolhardy TPC is, perhaps, one of the few places that accepted you and tried, in vain, to help, advise and nurture you. In return you have turned on them like a rabid dog, the shame is all yours.

    I suggest you sit down and reflect on your indiscretions, then start issuing your apologies.




    (the only TPC member you said wasn’t a racist)  

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Mon, Mar 3 2014 2:58 AM

    At least he is a hard worker/scammer...

    "beware" LOL

    Pedrena Cantabria Seve Ballesteros Club


     02 Mar 2014 @ 5:20 AM

    Let me join your cc