Dear friends,
"Those of you who know me...(ie: DaddysKat above) know that I am very active in the 'fight' for a more heightened awareness for the support of oppressed women all around this.. our world... and today, March 8th is "International Women's Day"
I live in a country where we are losing generation after generation of our young women to physical violence... 3,600 rapes reported daily... shocking? Studies show that only 1 in 25 women/girls who were raped actually report it the the SAP (you do the math). etc. etc. ad nauseum...
I am one of three girls who were taught by our mother that we have a greater responsibility than others less fortunate to exact change for our SA sisters... so that, at the very least... our daughters won't have to grow up with armed protection... so help me God!
WGT is not my socio-political soapbox... so I will just say this...
If your daughters, wives & sisters enjoy safety and opportunity in this world... hold them a little closer this day and be very, very grateful... this is their right not their privilege...
If your women are in danger of physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual oppression... do 'one thing' this day to show your support for them.... it matters not what that one thing is... the greatest torrents began with single drops of water...
Especially if you are female... Madeline Albright was once quoted as saying that "there is a special place in hell for women who do not help other women..."
"Here are two poignant video links for my sisters reading this today..."
"Happy International Women's Day"
"We Are Women"
My love to you all...