murducas: If it a player is left alone (all others quit) it becomes single player and reputation is gone
This would be problematic. What if all players quit, but one? He would not get many points for completing the round, and he would not get +5 reputation points. While all the others could potentially only get -1 point for bailing out.
I'm actually inclined to say it's more annoying when people quit late. You have already put in a lot of time in the round, but you get fewer points for that. And if all quit, you are left with virtually no points for completing the round, even though you may have played with 3 other people for 17 holes (worst case scenario).
Of course it's annoying when people quit early too, but at least you haven't put 2 hours in the game then, and can quit and start a new one, or finish your round alone without feeling terribly annoyed at the losers who don't want to record a sub-great round.