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US Open Sponsor

Fri, May 16 2014 10:58 AM (29 replies)
  • lisalovesthesun
    185 Posts
    Tue, Mar 11 2014 10:32 AM

    7 Women ( only ) were on board last year ?

    4 so far..

    Maybe no voice, so why would WGT / Sponsors change their thinking ?


  • borntobesting
    9,769 Posts
    Tue, Mar 11 2014 10:55 AM


    7 Women ( only ) were on board last year ?

    4 so far..

    Maybe no voice, so why would WGT / Sponsors change their thinking ?


    There are many men like me who also use female avatars. So it might not  be as hopeless as it seems. 


  • mara43
    1,674 Posts
    Tue, Mar 11 2014 12:11 PM

    ............that a female version be available to those who want it.
     +1 Sara


  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Tue, Mar 11 2014 6:39 PM

    I'm male and I totally support this. There's enough misogyny in the world as it is without WGT (or us) adding to it.

    P.S. I use a female avatar.

  • lvietri
    3,326 Posts
    Thu, Mar 13 2014 1:26 PM

    I asked a buddy of mine once --- why do you use a female avatar ???

    He replied ---- if your going to stare at this screen as much as I do playing WGT ... what would you rather look at ???

    Couldn't argue with that !!!

  • TarheelsRule
    5,604 Posts
    Thu, Mar 13 2014 1:46 PM

    I know who you mean Lou, we do have a few cross dressers in the club.

    I assume that Lexus / Toyota picked up the bill for WGT to design the male avatar for the US Open that they gave to us.  Since they obviously know their market well, I guess that no women ever buy cars.  In reality since the site seems to attract many more men than women (esp if you eliminate the men pretending to be women) that I would assume they did a quick cost analysis and came up with the it's not worth the cost and we will just live with the bitching from a minority of our members.

    The same assumption that I would make about not have a specific avatar for each country in the world.

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Thu, Mar 13 2014 1:48 PM

    and a fat avatar please :)

  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Thu, Mar 13 2014 2:20 PM

    Great one Lou.

    And by the way I totally support what Sarah wrote and I think she understand what I mean. I think this one for the VUSO must be consider technical sponsor, in short, something acquired by the concessions that WGT obtained from the U.S. Open.

    I mean, I suppose that, I'm not a WGT Staff member yet. For sure WGT should do not overlook the interest that derives from female avatar. In short, the sissies attract the public, and so almost all male, then why no.

    This is could be a great campaign: why no.


  • SPINO1
    5,394 Posts
    Thu, Mar 13 2014 3:40 PM


    +1 for Sara (not that the powers that be will take a blind bit of notice)


    and a fat avatar please :)

    I think you mean "portly" Daz ?


  • sarak362336
    1,597 Posts
    Thu, Mar 13 2014 3:51 PM

    It would appear that this particular seed has fallen upon stony ground, however.....

    Taking Dazzas point on board we could have a heavily pregnant female avatar in trousers that could double up as a fat bloke.... discuss