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Fri, Apr 11 2014 10:20 PM (19 replies)
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  • douby3621
    11 Posts
    Tue, Mar 11 2014 7:16 PM

    I just went through all the free surveys.  There were about 12 surveys.  I was disqualify on all of them within 3 questions.  What is the point of even having them up there if you keep getting disqualify.     how do you get in contact with WGT and tell them what is going on with the surveys

  • Mike9950
    51 Posts
    Wed, Mar 12 2014 12:51 AM

    All surveys have a target audience they want to hit, I get screened out of most of mine, But the way I see I have gained 5 credits for a few minutes of my time.

    You can always try and guess what they are after and hope that you succeed 

    I have been a 8 year old girl, 4 year,15 year year old,  69 year old with arthritis , I have brought a house, I rent a house, brought/sold a car on ebay and been a CEO of a international company.

    you get the drift...



  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Wed, Mar 12 2014 1:28 AM


    All surveys have a target audience they want to hit, I get screened out of most of mine, But the way I see I have gained 5 credits for a few minutes of my time.

    You can always try and guess what they are after and hope that you succeed 

    I have been a 8 year old girl, 4 year,15 year year old,  69 year old with arthritis , I have brought a house, I rent a house, brought/sold a car on ebay and been a CEO of a international company.

    you get the drift...



    I did that and have now been banned from all surveys, (although that may be down to my location and VPN usage).



  • daddd1
    171 Posts
    Wed, Mar 12 2014 3:58 PM

    Don't lie to them, they already have your profile. The best way to get to surveys is don't do any . They get paid by hits. NO HITS , NO INCOME, spread the word. The carousel is the same thing, a worthless watch this for extra views, you can spend a half hour and never get 1 view!. 

  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Wed, Mar 12 2014 10:07 PM


    All surveys have a target audience they want to hit, I get screened out of most of mine, But the way I see I have gained 5 credits for a few minutes of my time.

    You can always try and guess what they are after and hope that you succeed 

    I have been a 8 year old girl, 4 year,15 year year old,  69 year old with arthritis , I have brought a house, I rent a house, brought/sold a car on ebay and been a CEO of a international company.

    you get the drift...



    You act like 5 credits is good. You know how long that would take just to get descent balls for all that time for a lot of 5 credits each, with balls being so pricey. I am sorry, but that is just a waste of time to me for just 5 credits. I always if getting disqualified, put it as bad. It isn't good, so why say it is?

    I am not going to waste my time on diddly squat for anyone, unless its life or death situation. Seriously, when they added the offers, was a stupid mistake, when most of them can give you malware or spyware. Videos are good, but waste too, for as little for a long time wasted. Surveys are waste of time due to DQ's. Lucky if you get 2 good a day. Barely enough for cheap balls.

    Ever since I started April 2012, the earn credits option has been really bad option. Your spending all that time that you could be playing for a tiny bit that makes hardly any difference at all.

    For someone that wants that shiny new club to play with, will take two to four weeks to get it that way, and I don't have that kind of patience.

  • Slammer23
    420 Posts
    Thu, Mar 13 2014 1:17 AM


    You act like 5 credits is good. You know how long that would take just to get descent balls for all that time for a lot of 5 credits each, with balls being so pricey. I am sorry, but that is just a waste of time to me for just 5 credits. I always if getting disqualified, put it as bad. It isn't good, so why say it is?

    I am not going to waste my time on diddly squat for anyone, unless its life or death situation. Seriously, when they added the offers, was a stupid mistake, when most of them can give you malware or spyware. Videos are good, but waste too, for as little for a long time wasted. Surveys are waste of time due to DQ's. Lucky if you get 2 good a day. Barely enough for cheap balls.

    Ever since I started April 2012, the earn credits option has been really bad option. Your spending all that time that you could be playing for a tiny bit that makes hardly any difference at all.

    For someone that wants that shiny new club to play with, will take two to four weeks to get it that way, and I don't have that kind of patience.

    Wait...WHAT? Are you saying you either play OR watch videos? Why? You can hit a shot, and while it's in the air, click to the other pane and start another video. Play a couple more shots, start another video. I NEVER just sit there watching videos. Most nights, I earn 50-60 credits while playing one round.

    Now granted, I use the 65 credit WGT balls, but videos keep me in balls PLUS about 300 credits a week. If you can't wait a month for a new club, fine, buy it with real money. Then again, what is the point of having the best equipment if you haven't learned to score with decent stuff?


  • colfax
    22 Posts
    Thu, Mar 13 2014 1:53 AM

    5 credits is better than nothing. I even get to complete one sometimes and get awarded the full amount but mostly I get the 5 credits. I get most of my credits in the videos anyway. 

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Thu, Mar 13 2014 6:51 AM

    Don't know about anyone else and their experience with the surveys and videos but I've played from day one on "Free Credits". They seem to work for me just fine. I haven't had to open my wallet and now have a surplus of credits if I should need anything. Sacrificing the time playing for doing the surveys has been the key in my experience. The only caveat would be from what I've read here the US players seem to have the greater opportunities for these surveys and videos. Doesn't seem quite fair to all members.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Thu, Mar 13 2014 6:51 AM


    ... I don't have that kind of patience.

    That statement sums it up well.

    I'm closing in on 7 years here and there is a technique that served me well while racking up $20 to $30+ a month in credits. I have financial constraints that put me in a position of having $0 available for this game. I also set a time budget for this game. Time spent watching videos, attempting surveys and chatting on these forums is subtracted from the game play. That way it doesn't impact the rest of my life.

    Videos are a "hit and run" for me. I set the laptop on the dining room counter and click on a video as I walk by doing other things. During the course of the day that adds up to a lot a videos played and I've done a lot of other work while they were playing.

    Surveys are a different animal. With time you get to recognize certain companies to stay away from. Qualtrics is one company that puts surveys on here (through Peanut Labs) in order to collect the information without paying for completed surveys. WTG consciously condones companies like that defrauding their customers and will do nothing about it. That's the specific reason I quit doing them last summer. If WGT showed some courtesy in direct exchange with customers instead of clamming up I might still be doing them and gifting the majority of credits earned to those who don't get the opportunities. I've actually given away about 60,000 credits worth of equipment that way.

    Remember, too, that it's a matter of numbers. 10,000 WGT people could be competing with 250,000 people from other sites for 200 survey slots. The surveys are third party sites, not limited to WGT. Chances of getting one are slim but answering honestly got me a fair number of surveys completed.

    For me it was worth it. Those quick 5 credit survey rejections added up quickly enough. I simply subtracted the survey time from the game play time allocated. For me this game is a lot more about social interaction on the forums, being able to give a gift even when finances are so tight and playing an occasional game. Being a competitive gameplayer isn't important to me. Being social  is.

    I don't give the gifts now because WGT has taken a stance against their own customers in favor of companies perpetrating fraud on them. I boycott all surveys now and I'm sure they don't care. 

    For those still doing surveys, don't sign up for anything. No reputable survey company will ask for any peronally identifiable information as part of a survey. They will only ask for something like an email address or name if they are trying to get you to sign up for something (like a membership) or they want to contact you again. If you give them that information you will get spammed as they sell your name and address.

    Almost 7 years and I have never spent a penny here. Not even a credit card on file. No spam from any survey or "other offer" companies. The system has worked well for me. But patience really is the key.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Thu, Mar 13 2014 9:09 AM


    Don't know about anyone else and their experience with the surveys and videos but I've played from day one on "Free Credits". They seem to work for me just fine. I haven't had to open my wallet and now have a surplus of credits if I should need anything. Sacrificing the time playing for doing the surveys has been the key in my experience. The only caveat would be from what I've read here the US players seem to have the greater opportunities for these surveys and videos. Doesn't seem quite fair to all members.

    +1 , been playing for almost 3 years , with not one penny out of my pocket spent . The videos and surveys do work , but you have to understand , its about demographics , market , and product distribution . Every survey will not apply to you , or be for you . You can fudge the answers  ., sometimes , but dont be discouraged . All of my club upgrades , were done through the surveys , and videos . Now that I have top clubs to play with , my only focus is ball replacement . With 10 cally balls in my bag , and over 3000 credits in my account , all free by the way . The time spent , is not a waste . Instead of trying to play all of the time , spend some of that time , doing the surveys , and videos . If your time is too important , then why are you wasting it  , playing a game ? Food for thought . :-)  


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