i can not see videos and i not get surveys and i not have money so can anybody give to me a new driver or a woood 3 ty
Please refrain from using the forum for begging purposes. As I do recall Ms. Fish booted you from the club because you were constantly begging and asking for stuff from members and others. Be blessed sir that you have received gifts in the past and keep learning with what you were given. Please use your time looking for help and answers to your golf game and stop looking for freebies because it is not a good look. Thank you-just my thoughts-gdog8
Begging is bad enough on your own profile - doing it on the main forum is well out of order.
Ok ok but i can improve it
Help Wanted: Gijon
cesarfernandez: Ok ok but i can improve it
lol, improve what? your method of asking? You could have at least said "please"
Nice, but strange looking cat.....
Sent u 10 sleeves of balls equipped
Hit well...
I mean i CAN'T improve my play without credits. .....please
Do you know the word trabajo? It's Spanish for work.
Trabajo brings dinero, dinero brings credits, credits bring equipment.
I've done it this way.
Alosso you know the word unmployment