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Another 'funny' one...

Sat, Mar 15 2014 7:50 AM (9 replies)
  • CMcCartney727
    1,417 Posts
    Fri, Mar 14 2014 7:42 PM

    Yes, I'm playing pretty well in an RG (do these things happen when you're not?).  All the views I see show the ball landing on the green... yet I'm in a bunker???  Of course I am...

    replay.aspx?ID=5cc5a1a0 e25b 414a 9c1b a2ef002c023a


  • CMcCartney727
    1,417 Posts
    Fri, Mar 14 2014 7:53 PM

    ...and yes this is night 2,456 where I withdraw from an RG after a great start... because, you know, that's how this game rolls.  -7 thru 5 holes, and the alarms go off at WGT central and NOTHING goes right.  Lipouts, funny bounces, VEM.. yes, you've heard this all before. 6 holes later I am still at -7  And if I want to complain I can call 1-800-GOF***MYSELF

  • chuddlymccannon
    298 Posts
    Fri, Mar 14 2014 8:10 PM

    You just came up short and hit the wall between the bunker and green.  View #3 I think is a very good shot of it.

    However, the last one you posted in the ready go was complete crap.  I watched 2...... that's right 2 balls go through that same area earlier today in a stroke play game. 

    One of the balls landed about 3-4 ft. from the rough and the other landed about 5 ft. into the rough.

    Neither one of those hit a phantom tree limb.

    You just have some really bad luck.

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Fri, Mar 14 2014 8:31 PM


    ...and yes this is night 2,456 where I withdraw from an RG after a great start... because, you know, that's how this game rolls.  -7 thru 5 holes, and the alarms go off at WGT central and NOTHING goes right.  Lipouts, funny bounces, VEM.. yes, you've heard this all before. 6 holes later I am still at -7  And if I want to complain I can call 1-800-GOF***MYSELF

    Ok CM, this post isn't meant to question what has or has not happened to you. I know that crazy stuff happens and don't need convincing. I am lucky enough that the stuff that happens to me is relatively tame compared to some stuff I see, so I tend not to get terribly worked up about it.

    My question has more to do with your example and why you would even withdraw in the given example. I understand that its possible that the example is not necessarily exact but if it were, why withdraw. I understand concept of ball usage and what it costs per hit but if you went -7 thru 5, then 6 holes later still -7, you'd be teeing off on 12, with 6 complete holes to play. Who's to say you don't go -4, -5, or -6 on those last 6 holes and post a -13 for the round and at least get your stake back and maybe make a bit.  You are already more than half way there and used up a fair amount of ball already. Why not try to get something back.

    This happened to me today on Conga 18 RG. Was -9 after 10 and parred the next 5 holes. Don't feel I should have. Some was the game, some was me being a dumba$$, either way i am now on 16 still -9 saying to myself what a waste. So I birdie the next 3 and post a 59 thinking ill be lucky to  get my stake back, but sitting 5th right now with a possible double up and only like 4 or 5 players left to play.

    With the amount of credits you have won in your career and at your level ball usage really shouldn't be a huge consideration.  I am far less than you and don't worry about it too much. Why not just finish the round and see what you get.

    This is meant as a serious question just wanting to know your take on it, and others as well. I know a lot of people WD to save ball hits if they feel pretty confident they won't get there full buy in back. Not sayin I haven't withdrawn, but in that scenario I would not have.

    Not meant to diminish or question the crazy stuff happening cuz i saw the phantom tree hit and that was inexplicable. i get what you are saying

  • CMcCartney727
    1,417 Posts
    Fri, Mar 14 2014 9:15 PM

    I withdrew because I get frustrated and would just prefer to start over.  I do know my 'earnings' are high, but I also spend a lot on this game.  I'm not even sure I'm ahead, to be honest.  I throw probably $40 at this game every month, and I've played for 4 years.  

    I didn't withdraw after the shot I posted.  I did give it another couple holes.  I've played some of these RG's enough to know what you need to shoot to make money back, and that was not going to happen tonight.  This one, you have to break 60 to make any money.  It is frustrating how things turn in the middle of a good round.  It's not me... I don't press, or overthink, or necessarily expect bad things to happen (even if I should.. lol).  The amount of money on the line ($2?) isn't going to make me do any of those things.  It's comical at this point, honestly.  I make these posts to vent a little.  I hope no one takes me seriously... It is bizarre what happens, but I get over it pretty quick.

    I play the Conga RG, too, and the holes you parred are tough holes (not sure if you had any bad breaks or anything).  On that course in particular, I don't worry if I hit a par streak after 10.  I was -8 thru 10 and finished with 61.  Same deal.  Had the worst wind possible on the last 8 holes.  I've played this game long enough to know it is what it is... it won't change, WGT almost never responds to any of my posts, including valid 'what the hell' shots.  All I see from them are more ways for them to make money.

    Is there a new stroke play course in our future?  With all the money this site is raking in with $30 drivers, etc?   I've been asking that for months... crickets. :)


  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Fri, Mar 14 2014 10:36 PM


      All the views I see show the ball landing on the green... yet I'm in a bunker???  Of course I am...

    ahhhh, if your serious I didn't see one view where it landed on the green and the ball always does that when you hit a slope face....sorry about your day.


  • Donko58
    183 Posts
    Sat, Mar 15 2014 1:15 AM


    Yes, I'm playing pretty well in an RG (do these things happen when you're not?).  All the views I see show the ball landing on the green... yet I'm in a bunker???  Of course I am...



    as you should be.The ball was clearly short and destined for the bunker. No funny stuff by WGT there just a hole you fell apart on.........just my opinion


  • borntobesting
    9,738 Posts
    Sat, Mar 15 2014 5:05 AM



    Yes, I'm playing pretty well in an RG (do these things happen when you're not?).  All the views I see show the ball landing on the green... yet I'm in a bunker???  Of course I am...



    as you should be.The ball was clearly short and destined for the bunker. No funny stuff by WGT there just a hole you fell apart on.........just my opinion


    The wind was more of a cross wind than a tail wind but it appears that you played it as a straight tail wind. The cross wind pushed it to the left and knocked it down slightly. But why worry about being in the bunker?? You were in the bunker in 1 not 2 and that bunker shot is fairly easy. You would still had a very good chance to make birdie.I have made birdie out of that bunker a few times and almost made eagle out of it once. You just let the bad breaks get too you too much and ruin your good rounds yourself. 


  • CMcCartney727
    1,417 Posts
    Sat, Mar 15 2014 7:50 AM

    Well, now I feel pretty stupid... I've noticed before that when I post a shot, the views that are shown can change from what I saw at the time.  In the 'auto' view when I watched the initial replay, I clearly saw the ball bounce twice on the green, and was surprised it was in the bunker... but I don't see that now.   Yes, clearly it's a crosswind and I played it as such, although the ball didn't go left as much as I expected, plus I was a tad late on the ding.  I normally never flirt with that bunker because of the extreme slope of the green.  It may be an easy shot, but as many times as I've played Cabo (in the hundreds, I'm sure), I'll bet I haven't been in that bunker more than once.  I always play it left with overspin, hoping to get it within flop distance. 

    I would hardly say I let this shot 'ruin' my round.  I didn't birdie the 6 holes before it, either. :)