Thanks you two for discussing nature's humor ... ever been behind a horse when it passes gas? Or maybe be awakened because your dog, who's sleeping next to you just ripped one in your face? Horses ... I think they save up and wait for you to get close to the tail.
Andy and SP ... how about starting your own little "flatulence thread"? Might even bring tears to some member's eyes!
Great idea here, we can pop in to find out the virtual weather report lol.
Perhaps we can report our findings daily.
We could post our results with varying equipment, example....
L97 PW with L33 callaway went x-amount of distance with x-amount of wind at 0 or 30 minutes.
Would work for green speeds too.
I don't think ya need that much detail, HP. Something more like L97 Nike Irons with Cally ball: Headwinds: 58; Tailwinds: 44; Crosswinds 1.4. (Don't trust these ... I've yet to get in a game today!)
As for green speeds ... how about calling it "Daily Rub of the Green?"