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Wed, Mar 26 2014 11:09 AM (4 replies)
  • llewellyn727
    33 Posts
    Tue, Mar 25 2014 2:48 PM

    What is going on. I play often & had a call from my Dr. & was away from my game a couple of times longer than allotted, then I was disqualified. , would like to get a proper answer. Personally starting to get tired of this site. No more additional courses like Masters, etc., or full course play like Pinehurst. What is up!!. I have spent plenty of money to get new equipment &/ or balls. Come on, need to offer more to satay alive. Hope more will voice the same.

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Wed, Mar 26 2014 5:59 AM

    Proper answer; 3 time outs and your disqualified...Sounds like you hit the limit.

    Solution; If you get a call etc. that might time you out in a single player game or tournament close your game and save it. If it is in a multi player game have the courtesy to other players, inform them of your situation and bow out through the menu forfeit not by disconnecting. Don't make others wait for you.

    PS.. threatening to quit etc. in the forums wont gain you much sympathy.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Wed, Mar 26 2014 6:33 AM


    What is going on. I play often & had a call from my Dr. & was away from my game a couple of times longer than allotted, then I was disqualified. , would like to get a proper answer. Personally starting to get tired of this site. N o more additional courses like Masters, etc., or full course play like Pinehurst. What is up!!. I have spent plenty of money to get new equipment &/ or balls. Come on, need to offer more to satay alive. Hope more will voice the same.

    You have only been playing for 4 months . As for Pinehurst , its on the way , and will be ready to play , for the U .S. Open . It costs WGT about 100,000 dollars or more to develop a course  . What you have spent , wont even pay for their water bill . When you showed up 4 months ago , WGT was where it is now . If they made it that far with out you , how much further , do you think they will go with out you ? Food for thought .


  • jld51
    406 Posts
    Wed, Mar 26 2014 6:52 AM

    Personally starting to get tired of this site.


    Goodbye then....

  • tramilleo
    1,912 Posts
    Wed, Mar 26 2014 11:09 AM

    You need to explore more than 2 course sir, that might help you to enjoy the game more :)