I only hope someone will understand my english question ....... I had a security program instaled by a friend wen i got this PC. The name of the security program is called Microsoft Security Essentials ,,,, it was free and always worked fine ,once a week i would run the program to analyse my PC . Now today i got a message saying the program will not be countinuing starting april 8 . Right now my PC is not protected the litle icon is normaly Green now its orange meaning potentiely not secure so i am scared just to play WGT , i used internet explorer to play WGT, and i use Google Chrome for anything else like the news , some you tube music and thats about all . I can remouve Microsoft Security Essentials from my PC....... no prob there .......since its not protecting me any more Now i would like to have a security program installed , like the one i had , free and, easy to install . Could someone using basicly the same browser as me recommend a security program for me . Remember i am a 2watts light when comes time to do stuff with my PC. I would be greatfull . Thank you in advance . Francois (Frapp)