For any firefox related browser,try Bluhell firewall 2.0 super lightweight adblock firewall addon all in one.
I use Cyberfox ,Bluehell Firewall 2.0,and speed dns for addons ,as my setup works well :)
they should at least kick back some creds for having to sit through it
BolloxInBruges: Wow, didn't realize that, never installed adblock on the browser I use to play WGT, as i'd read from other it didn't work for those videos.
Wow, didn't realize that, never installed adblock on the browser I use to play WGT, as i'd read from other it didn't work for those videos.
Yep.... Just the white blank box... no add or video. Just a few seconds and it's gone
I don't have any video's or adds.
which is the best putter wgt? I'm level 79 which serves me to me?
>>>>>,,,,,>>>>>.....>>>>> THREAD HIJACK ALERT <<<<<.....<<<<<.....<<<<<
roben:which is the best putter wgt? I'm level 79 which serves me to me?