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Bracket Tournaments

Mon, Jul 14 2014 2:58 AM (105 replies)
  • TarheelsRule
    5,593 Posts
    Wed, Apr 2 2014 12:05 PM

    I played probably a dozen of these, some into the third round with no problems.  However last night attempting to play a later round match, I would attempt to tee off on #1 and as I hit the ball get the unexpected error message.  I tried it 5 times, even rebooted by computer with no success.  I have until about 6 to play my match and haven't tried today as of yet, not on a computer that I can play from.

    Basically I like the brackets, my only complaint is trying to figure out how and when you need to play.  It seems to much work to have to go to each of them, and determine if you won from the second page, I know I can look at the tournaments and it tells me lost, need to play and pending, but it seems there should be an easier way.

  • Powerman600000
    5 Posts
    Wed, Apr 2 2014 1:44 PM

    I get the unexpected errors all the!!   nothing like being forced to withdraw....Tour Master level....Im on the 3rd hole now and cant get long to "come back later' ???

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Wed, Apr 2 2014 6:02 PM

    I entered 9 hole Bracket # 2881. I've played 3 rounds and still have no idea how to look at a leaderboard or know if I win a round and what other scores have been shot by the others in the same round. I've just gone to the game client and clicked on the game. It says play next round so I have. The leaderboard in the game client is just blank. Any tips? Is there a simple way to know where we are?

    I did find  this in Tourney results but it isn't updated through the 2nd round. All it shows are first round scores.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,593 Posts
    Thu, Apr 3 2014 8:33 AM

    I finally got to my home computer last night and attempted to play the 3rd round of the tournament that kept getting the Unexpected Error.  When it took me to the game screen, I was on the first hole at Congressional which was correct but I was placed on the red tees, once I teed off I immediately got the unexpected error again.  Tried it 3 times and finally just forfeited the game.  I played in several other Bracket matches last night with no problem so it was obviously an issue on this specific tournament.

    I've noticed what Ceriono shows above as well, it tells me to play when I have already played and the brackets aren't advanced.   I guess any new toy has some bugs, this one has a lot of potential but needs some work.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Apr 3 2014 9:14 AM

    I played in several other Bracket matches last night with no problem

    How many are you able to play at the same time? Joining 1- 9 hole affair from the Game Client is all I can get into.

  • SplashLewis
    373 Posts
    Thu, Apr 3 2014 11:00 AM

    I'm in Georgia. I dont see Georgia listed as a restricted state.  Someone from wgt tell me why i am restricted from playing.   restricted from playing a "free" one at that. lol

  • TarheelsRule
    5,593 Posts
    Fri, Apr 4 2014 10:44 AM

    Yankee - only one at the same time.

    In playing last night it was a little different than the previous few days.  In the past I could play in as many as I wanted but had to wait until everyone moved forward to play my next match, it seems that last night I would play the whole tournament and finish before all the matches were set.  I don't know if this is just a way to speed up the game or allow you to finish without waiting or being potential kicked out if you don't finish.  I had four or five that I signed up for that I got DQ'ed because I didn't finish my next round in time, in each case it was at a time I couldn't play so maybe they have made some changes, it would be nice to know about it.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Apr 4 2014 2:40 PM

    You can enter as many as you want to play

    When they first started, the brackets were starting pretty quick. As soon as they filled up another one would start.

    So i would enter one or more...  play the round and when the bracket/s fills up, I look at the game client and enter another one....etc



  • PTrenter
    437 Posts
    Sat, Apr 5 2014 1:18 PM

    I've been looking forward to seeing this implemented and the brackets play out kinda as expected but disappointed with the current setup.  The potential for these is fantastic and the sooner they are introduced into CCs the better.  Things I'd like to see change:

    For WGT versions

    - Hidden player list until the bracket is full for tierless comps.

    - Tiered Brackets

    - Variety of courses

    For CC versions

    - Able to choose course, conditions and timings for each Bracket round

    - Implement byes to enable any number of participants

    - Random draw once participant list complete

    - Ability to play your match as a multiplayer stroke play

    - Matchplay version

  • TarheelsRule
    5,593 Posts
    Thu, Apr 17 2014 2:43 PM

    I agree with PT as he mentioned above.

    I do like both versions of the brackets, tiered and non tiered however.

    In terms of player list it needs to be hidden until it fills, except showing your name so you know you are in.  Too easy to pick and choose, even see the best players in the quarters and avoid them or pick off the easy right now.