fatdan: Yep, I would just go play in a different tournament because I don't have over 22 million or the education to start my own web golf game...I would not waste my time protesting and whining about something I have no control over and never will have any control...
Personally I believe it is not whining, protesting or suggesting change when not happy is normal feedback for the company to hear. It's impossible to please everyone obviously, however without protest you just become a doormat.
The chip view is a classic example, the uproar that occured caused immediate correction, had everyone remained quiet, where would we be. Just because the current situation has no impact on you personally, does not mean it has no impact. What skin is off your fat butt to just allow the protest and the suggestion to continue with a potential correction.
Personally I would not use the avatar anyway, but I can see the point behind the protest.
Personally I think WGT should grow some, stand behind the "W" and the brand and not offer the ability to sponsors to limit availability of these types of items unless required to do so by law.