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WGT Golf on Face Book

rated by 0 users
Thu, Apr 3 2014 10:38 AM (4 replies)
  • DChristensen15
    6 Posts
    Wed, Apr 2 2014 1:49 PM

    Face Book game is missing so many things that are on the WGT web game. There is no way to contact friends  and message them about a game or problems in a game. You cannot send a game invite either. Nor can you delete inactive players to make room for new ones. When you reach over 250 friends , new ones that you add do not show up in you friend list. I also cannot locate many of my game stats. Also I have noticed that CC (Country Club) events and tourneys don't play the same through Face Book. My friends can message me via my email and I can reply those but have no ability to message someone at all. I don't understand how and why this game is so incomplete since my money and time spent on this game is the same as any of the web players. I have yet to receive a legit answer from WGT why this game is not complete on Face Book . I would recommend not to play this game through Face Book if you want the full game experience.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Apr 2 2014 9:24 PM
    It is a crazy scenario. The only way to get the full game is to quit and restart at
  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Apr 3 2014 1:17 AM

    Isn't this becoming a pattern?

    Deliver incomplete, deliver pre-beta with hefty prices, press new items, accept new faults in old items, neglect bug fixes...

    See here for Andyson's impressive list from only one update.

    I wonder what will happen once they deliver a new course...

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Thu, Apr 3 2014 9:40 AM


    Face Book game is missing so many things that are on the WGT web game. There is no way to contact friends  and message them about a game or problems in a game. You cannot send a game invite either. Nor can you delete inactive players to make room for new ones. When you reach over 250 friends , new ones that you add do not show up in you friend list. I also cannot locate many of my game stats. Also I have noticed that CC (Country Club) events and tourneys don't play the same through Face Book. My friends can message me via my email and I can reply those but have no ability to message someone at all. I don't understand how and why this game is so incomplete since my money and time spent on this game is the same as any of the web players. I have yet to receive a legit answer from WGT why this game is not complete on Face Book . I would recommend not to play this game through Face Book if you want the full game experience.

    Why is it some people can't/won't make paragraphs?

    Solid blocks of text are harder to read, which is why many people don't read them.

    8-bits can code 256 (0 - 255, or 00000000 to 11111111) unique items, which is likely why the friends list issue happens after 255 friends.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, Apr 3 2014 10:38 AM
    Be nice Mr Apex. Some browsers won't let you do paragraphs on here. I use 2 browsers and one does and the other doesn't.