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uneven merion full 18 1k rg

rated by 0 users
Wed, Apr 2 2014 7:00 PM (5 replies)
  • ujjbnjk
    2,129 Posts
    Wed, Apr 2 2014 3:55 PM

    just played this one and was a bit supprised when i saw it played even lies and NOT uneven as it says.

    just me? or anyone else tryed it yet..

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Wed, Apr 2 2014 4:25 PM


    ill take a look!

  • ujjbnjk
    2,129 Posts
    Wed, Apr 2 2014 5:09 PM

    cool thx.

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Wed, Apr 2 2014 6:04 PM

    So now we have 2 Merion 1000cr UELs, one of which isn't. I assume the lower ID number is the one that isn't, but will this be closed or played out?

  • ujjbnjk
    2,129 Posts
    Wed, Apr 2 2014 6:12 PM


    So now we have 2 Merion 1000cr UELs, one of which isn't. I assume the lower ID number is the one that isn't, but will this be closed or played out?

    ID 64065 is the new one that should be uneven lie.. as the one befor played even lies.. but they should change name on them so we all know. have hard time see a 1k uneven lies rg fill up tho! 3-5 weeks time maybe:)

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Wed, Apr 2 2014 7:00 PM

    ID 64061 was the first one put up, and is the one that's wrong. Surely this must be closed out, and the 4 players who'd signed up for it be refunded. It's just going to cause confusion and worse if left there for the rest of the RG cycle. Can it please be removed from the list altogether?

    Some background, folks: After the Uneven Lies Tournaments thread, Icon asked me to make some suggestions for UEL RGs, even wanting (for the first time) some tier-specific ones for TL & L. I wanted to try, as an experiment, a high-stakes version for the TLs, which ended up being all-tier instead due to concerns about whether enough TLs would sign up. Our gamble was that there have been many requests for high-stakes RGs, and we wanted to see if one that was UEL would work or not.

    I came up with a list of suggestions, in consultation with other UEL experts and RG players, and submitted it. Icon passed it up the chain and they were put in place (with some changes) today. Unfortunately, it seems that this mistake was made with the high-stakes Merion one. (I'm hoping the others are all fine).

    Also, the balance of wind conditions is more extreme than I was hoping for. One of the options with less wind, and 50cr 9 holes was omitted from the suggested list, helping to make the whole set seem tougher than is advisable. Apologies, and I will learn from that if called upon to make suggestions again next time.