Money doesn't appear to be the priority for WGT. Why else would they cut off the Pro Shop sales and base them on something that's going to take a long time-leveling up? You're seeing a lot of new ads and you know they're not for free plus there's their affiliation with the USGA, R & A, Nike and Taylormade to name a few.
I get the distinct impression there's an underlying goal here for WGT and that would be to replicate as closely as possible the actual RL tour. What we see as indifference on their part to the majority of complaints could very well be their intent only it wouldn't be indifference, it would be part of their bigger picture.
As the hoopla dies down over the various injustices from the last update players will return to the links and be once again taken over by the desire to excel. Some will cry "Foul" while others will buckle down. In the end WGT will have whatever it is they're after. That's just what I believe.