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4 Player Macch Play & Stroke Play Games

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Sun, Apr 6 2014 1:24 AM (3 replies)
  • readtornot
    1,014 Posts
    Fri, Apr 4 2014 3:02 PM

    I try to sponsor really interesting tournaments at my country club '' Not Just Another Club Of The World ''  , but today I was severely disappointed .... I had a 4 round tournament planned with a grand finale Play Off for 500 credits prize  of my own money offered . The finale was to be for the top 4 finishers to play a 9 Hole - 1 round limit - Match Play Game - ALL Together - head to head -- live -- with tension and stress and pride .TH Ultimate Game - but currently the W.G.T.  does / did not yet present us with this Joy  - Only allowing for the 2 member Match Play or 2 member Stroke Play Round -- not 4 , and that is what i just learned today - after the main tournament had concluded --  i now learn that  I am prevented from presenting the grand finale top 4 Players  in a 500 credits Match Play round ... because W.G.T. only has 2 man games of this type , what a downer for me and the  top 4 finishers , and the audience of our club of 90 + ....READTORNOT

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Apr 4 2014 9:21 PM
    Isn't match-play essentially a one on one game? You could have played skins.
  • readtornot
    1,014 Posts
    Sat, Apr 5 2014 9:08 PM

    HI COURTNEY , Thank you for opening the topic for discussion by '' asking '' isn't match play essentially a one on one game ? 

    Essentially , necessary , yes , but 4 would be  far more enjoyable - like poker essentially requires a minimum of 2 players , yet hardly offering a country club of 90 gregariously  members ( Not Just Another Club of the World )  well known to each other -  real good comradely  - Courtney , in both W.G.T. match and stroke play with 4 players  3 to 4 times  as much profit would be realized by the company , because quitting or complaining  mid game amongst friends is unimaginable , as is all to frequently the case in non country club matches of any type , agreed  ?  I sponsor unique tournaments within my Club  and offer credits prizes and take great pride in doing so like motion picture Directors & Producers who strive to win an Oscar.....  Essentially is a glass half full Courtney.... I need these 4 man / woman  stroke & match play tournament to add as a spectacular  finale amongst the top 4 finishers after they strive like gladiators through 4 rounds of the club wide competitions . I myself have played nearly 2,000 rounds of everything accept Skins , and doubt that many understand that game as they do stroke and match play .

    Sincerely , READTORNOT

  • readtornot
    1,014 Posts
    Sun, Apr 6 2014 1:24 AM

    Dear Courtney , thank you , but no . I have already  earlier replied , and then researched Skins , finding it a to be a fun tournament , yet not apropos for equally skilled straight  low average  scoring legends , whereby one massive amount of skins collected after many tied holes could  determine a winner without the lowest score , interesting - but misleading .

    Readtornot ...PS , Please read my longer reply in the Community Page .