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birdie clap,tru golf rounds,etc

rated by 0 users
Sat, Apr 5 2014 9:47 PM (1 replies)
  • JaRTennBogey
    74 Posts
    Sat, Apr 5 2014 3:03 PM

    1--If we will have to endure the birdie clap,with no separate way of turning it off,(yes i know it can be turned off with club sounds),why not also give a clap when a good shot is made?----the one's that rate an instant replay. Yes i know some shots like that can be lucky ones---but some are earned by skill.

    2--I know this has been asked before---but don't remember if a true answer was ever given--why can we not gift a friend a round on a tru golf course?

    3--TY WGT for the free beer ball----but tell Budweiser---they owe me more than just one ball for all of their beer  i have consumed in my lifetime---lol.

    4--as far as free balls go---i know many of us seldom use them---or maybe just burn them up in a blitz round ---whatever.I would suggest this----a trophy rack----where promo balls could be displayed/held----and they would not be in your bag----however they could be retrived---in the future for use if we so desired.

    Ty for listening

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Apr 5 2014 9:47 PM

    @#2: "Why?" asks for internal decisions of WGT. These are always(!) treated as company secrets - expect no answer.

    Some lighthearted, pun-loaded answers to

    #1: "Why?" again, and I remember xyz 2001. Who wants memories of outdated games of competitors?

    #3: Unlucky you, so far off the real stuff from my country <eg>

    #4: So you're ready to pay - say - 1,000 crs for an item which would hardly be viewed by anybody else, containing balls which are no achievement at all? And another one if it's filled up? Go ahead!

    No offence intended.