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The Good, The Bad and maybe The Ugly

Mon, Apr 7 2014 12:49 AM (22 replies)
  • daddd1
    171 Posts
    Sun, Apr 6 2014 8:14 AM

    I have a 10yr old Puter running 'XP'  ...  ok with Single Games, but now Wgt is loading in more Info into our systems then it's starting to be a problem.

    I see you are running xp, it may be time to replace that puter. April 8 you will not get anymore security updates. It should help to go to google  & search "making XP secure 1-drop my rights". The window will display a site  dated aug 25,2012. There you will find an article by Derek. I followed his instructions for my laptop, it works great. 


  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Sun, Apr 6 2014 8:25 AM

    Whatever it is, it's beginning to aggrevate a lot of people.

    Beginning? LMAO. There are so many ways for the game to lay the boots to you, I stopped counting, you just never know what a round is going to give or take from you. Frustrating as heck with money on the line, but it is what it is, always will be, likely always has been as well. It's meant to simulate something, not sure what though, rest assured it's happens to everyone though, to what extent? is anyones guess, hard to tell, there are players here that can recover from anything and everwhere, so looking at their profiles can be misleading.

    I had a 500 credit ccc front 9 yesterday that I may as well never aimed a thing, very next time on the same course same conditions a few minutes later, I could played blindfolded as everything was dead on perfect.

    The high stakes stuff is a bit of a lottery, do I like that? no, but the powers that be set this up that way for whatever reason and we are expected to accept it that way or not, our choice really.

    Bottom line it's a game, and a dam good one, I have my thoughts on what would make it better, and it starts with the lottery, but never in a million years can consensus ever be obtained on that, nor is it requested.

    The game has to appeal to all skills and levels of knowledge though. It has to appeal to the guy who just plays whack FCK and still expects to compete and match those skills to the guy who has every club, every wind, every lie mastered and the game must somehow attempt to level that playing field, hence we get what we get when we get it.

    That is essentially how I read the specifics of the game model, whereby the better you get, the harder you work, the worse you get, at least for a while, till the programming has determined you have been beaten up enough and lays off you for a while, only to return with a vengenge later on, and the cycle continues, unless of course you just play a whack fck style then you get moments of the opposite. it's really rather interesting the more you study this game.

    And some call the programmers monkeys, but monkeys they are not IMHO, you call them errors, they call them features, you say broken, they say perfect.

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Sun, Apr 6 2014 10:05 AM

    The good ... most of the WGT community that supports those just learning the game and the friends who make MP and AS fun.

    The bad ... the trolls that seldom if ever have anything good to say.

    The ugly ... my game since breaking my hand and playing left-handed!

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Apr 6 2014 1:20 PM


    The good ... most of the WGT community that supports those just learning the game and the friends who make MP and AS fun.

    The bad ... the trolls that seldom if ever have anything good to say.

    The ugly ... my game since breaking my hand and playing left-handed!

    The embellish what you said - it is players like you Kat that help the community with the likes of your calculator (although I personally have not tried it) and the "good" players out there far outweigh the "bad"

    The Bad.....agreed....but there are some good trolls as well

    The now is a good time to hit you up for a game, but the way I miscalculate wind and the fact even with a broken hand, and if I blindfolded you (now don't get excited) you would still beat me lol.

    Golf is a great game, and this is a great golf game. Virtually all golfers who play this game are great to play with. only a small element of players who are probably non-golfers are unpleasant. Should we pander to the needs of such a small minority? I think not.


  • burchell123
    362 Posts
    Sun, Apr 6 2014 3:45 PM

    THE GOOD-getting wasted beyond belief and trying to play this bad effort of a game

    THE UGLY-getting wasted beyond belief and trying to play this bad effort of a game

    THE BAD-knowing the same craps gonna happen  tomorrow,but not for some players illegible to v.e.m and meter stutter


  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Sun, Apr 6 2014 3:50 PM



    The Bad.....agreed....but there are some good trolls as well

    I have to admit there are some really wonderful trolls here ... Opy's the man who comes to mind ... great friend (and an okay virtual golfer).  For me, I'd so much rather play like **** (self moderated metaphor) with 3 fun players than win it all by myself ... even though I'm competitive, it's the foursome that makes the game great.

    The now is a good time to hit you up for a game, but the way I miscalculate wind and the fact even with a broken hand, and if I blindfolded you (now don't get excited) you would still beat me lol.

    Right now, I couldn't beat a rug hanging outside my front door ... but thanks for the encouragement!

    Golf is a great game, and this is a great golf game. Virtually all golfers who play this game are great to play with. only a small element of players who are probably non-golfers are unpleasant. Should we pander to the needs of such a small minority? I think not.

    I have a few "unwritten" rules of golf ...

    #1 ... if the guy pays you a compliment then ask about a friendly side bet, make sure it's straight up ... it's hard to swing a club when you're glove's been buttered!

    #2 ... if you do play net, make sure your partner has a great game and a high handicap.  Nassau is tough to win if you're giving away more than 8 strokes in 18!

    BTW guys ... you're what makes this virtual game fun!

  • donsprintr
    2,063 Posts
    Sun, Apr 6 2014 4:07 PM

    Speaking of UGLY ... I offer this tidbit ...

    replay.aspx?ID=e921c06a 8586 4358 964d a305017be52e

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Sun, Apr 6 2014 5:36 PM

    The Good .      A game with friend,s .

    WGT gave us so many ways to enjoy this game . Some like Stroke some like AS some like Blitz some like Match and all the other options to have fun here in WGT land . 

    The way the community gets together when MrCadddie host,s a Christmas give away .

    The way the community has fun with one of Andyson,s  WGT National Enquirer comic caption contest ,s 

    Team Yancy and the paranormal search .

    The Bad .            The non Reformed Troll,s 

    The Ugly .        The player,s that post a Pic of Tit,s or snatch or man package .

    iaaVR ( R ) ft 

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, Apr 6 2014 6:36 PM

    The Ugly .        The player,s that post a Pic of Tit,s or snatch or man package .

    That made me laugh more than it should. Think I'm having a 3rd childhood.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sun, Apr 6 2014 6:38 PM

    The Ugly .        The player,s that post a Pic of Tit,s or snatch or man package .
