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2000 ranked rounds

Wed, Apr 23 2014 1:07 AM (20 replies)
  • WoodenHands
    526 Posts
    Mon, Apr 7 2014 2:13 AM

    I have just played my 2000th  ranked round , i know a lot of you will have played a lot more , but it's a milestone for me .

    I'd love to have said my 2000th was a good one , sadly it wasn't , a 65 on Olympic which included a staggering 32 putts !

    I've loved learning this great game , although the majority of my rounds have been average the few good ones keep me thinking i might be improving .

    If i could only putt i'd be halfways decent at this game , maybe after another 2000 rounds i'll have more of a clue , anyway just thought i'd share this and if anyone has any putting tips i could use , i'm willing to give most things a try .

  • paultownson
    1,909 Posts
    Mon, Apr 7 2014 2:19 AM

    Congrats on the 2000 rounds WH.

    I'm afraid my only putting tip is............Avoid Olympic and Merion!


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Apr 7 2014 2:21 AM

    Congrats on the milestone. I am somewhat behind you but after 1000 or so  rounds  I still stun myself on how many easy putts I miss, how few dings I make and that I still make beginner errors in changing the meter etc.

    But the good news is you get to choose your countries flag when you hit 2000 rounds........well maybe not lol

  • WoodenHands
    526 Posts
    Mon, Apr 7 2014 2:51 AM


    But the good news is you get to choose your countries flag when you hit 2000 rounds........well maybe not lol

    Lol , if only , if only .

  • TopShelf2010
    10,976 Posts
    Mon, Apr 7 2014 2:54 AM


  • devonnnnn
    1,085 Posts
    Mon, Apr 7 2014 5:30 AM

    Congrats on the ranked rounds :)

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Mon, Apr 7 2014 5:49 AM

    Congrats on the milestone!!

    l myself have 65 to go as of 7/04 to reach 2000.

    And i absolutely hate this game........................sometimes!!

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Mon, Apr 7 2014 6:17 AM

    I need 9 more for 2000. I have played 3 rounds since Jan 31st so I should hit my 2000 by December. Congrats on the milestone. 

  • WoodenHands
    526 Posts
    Mon, Apr 7 2014 8:23 AM

    Thanks everyone :)


    And i absolutely hate this game........................sometimes!!

     I get that feeling too , one decent round changes all that though

  • ksinfield
    310 Posts
    Tue, Apr 8 2014 4:37 AM

    just got my platinum award for my 1000th

    highlight of the round was flopping in for an eagle on oakmont number 17