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Ball does not go where aimed and game sometimes freezes

rated by 0 users
Wed, Apr 9 2014 10:38 AM (3 replies)
  • CaptTom48
    1 Posts
    Tue, Apr 8 2014 4:18 PM



    After considering all factors and lining up where I want to hit, the ball does not go in the direction aimed. Any ideas? Also, lately the game has been freezing on me. Computer is fine otherwise. Only on WGT does it act this way. Please help. thanks

  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Tue, Apr 8 2014 6:01 PM


             1. You have been playing here for 2 years and you are still using "starter equipment" - this might explain why the ball doesn't go where you want it to go!  Better equipment will yield better accuracy for you.

              2. Recommend that you work on earning "Free Credits" with Videos and surveys in order to upgrade your gear - it really will make the game more enjoyable.

              3. Freezing, glitchy screens have been discussed in this Forum (almost monthly) and how to solve those problems can be found using the "SEARCH" function on the right hand side of the screen.

    Good Luck!

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Tue, Apr 8 2014 7:24 PM




    After considering all factors and lining up where I want to hit, the ball does not go in the direction aimed. Any ideas? Also, lately the game has been freezing on me. Computer is fine otherwise. Only on WGT does it act this way. Please help. thanks



    You need to edit your bag and remove all the E Z Swing clubs for the regular starter clubs in their places. The E Z Swing Clubs are incredibly inaccurate. You'll find the ball will go a lot closer to where you're aiming. If you don't know how to edit the clubs, see the FAQ over to the right----------------------------------------------> How to equip your Bag.