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WGT Member Services - a credit to WGT

rated by 0 users
Thu, Apr 10 2014 2:57 AM (2 replies)
  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Wed, Apr 9 2014 11:52 PM

    I have over the years sent many an email to them, mostly me whining about a lost ball, or a perceived injustice, and I always get a polite reply, and very often with some form of compensation.

    My latest interaction wuth them spurs me to write this as I believe there are people in WGT who truly care that we as members are looked after.

    I wrote complaining my club was changed on a Par 3 in an important CC game where I was chasing a $10 prize ( not much to you top guns, but big for me - look at my winnings )

    I lost the ball and felt quite peeved, wrote a polite complaint and within 2 days WGT had reimbursed me 6 times over with a ball better than the one I lost.

    This happens in most cases where I feel compelled to complain, which isn't on every occasion where I feel an injustice has happened, but last month I bought 6 callaways and never completed play with one ball, it was lost or wet, and in the majority of cases it was not my fault.

    So credit where credit is due

    Thank you WGT Member Services - whoever u are.


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Thu, Apr 10 2014 1:04 AM

    I have over the years sent many an email to them, mostly me whining about a lost ball, or a perceived injustice, and I always get a polite reply, and very often with some form of compensation.


    E- mailed them 2 days ago about my flag being wrong and profile pic not showing...

    Couple of e - mails later..all sorted ;-)

    So credit where credit is due



  • TopShelf2010
    10,975 Posts
    Thu, Apr 10 2014 2:57 AM
