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Loading cheat?

Tue, Apr 15 2014 12:34 AM (27 replies)
  • jigglybutt
    208 Posts
    Sun, Apr 13 2014 8:23 PM

    Now there's a tune I think we can all dance too :)

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Sun, Apr 13 2014 9:01 PM



    So now you can't play anything with anyone you don't know for fear of them cheating. Quite pathetic that WGT does not sort it out. So I'd say it's not His fault at all, more like WGT's fault for allowing a bug like this to go on without doing anything about it. 

    ^^^ yup.

    You can't argue against common sense !!


    Edit..To OP,  

    Personally, I'd wait the fool out as a matter of principle, I'd rather not play for, however long the cut off point is, be it 5 mins, an hour, a week or a month !



    You will be waiting a longtime my friend. Figure some of these cats that is all they do.

    Done waited on one over a hour.

    Its some type of cheat device that slows their connection. WGT knows all about it. They can't do nothing to stop it.

    Know a couple of them that are still going strong as we speak after being turned in to WGT longtime ago.

    Figure this game is not cheap to play. This cheat makes playing this game free. This particular cheat is not going anywhere. Really its spreading like wildfire.

    Easy credits fools can't help themselves.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Sun, Apr 13 2014 9:01 PM

    double post

  • qzheng
    55 Posts
    Mon, Apr 14 2014 4:09 PM

    Just heard back from WGT about it... The email was completely off topic and did some explanation about freaking foul language or something, even though I was completely clear about the cheating issue lol. They told me to "do not respond to offensive language" and "ignore them or choose to walk away" lol. This wasn't about sportsmanship, its about cheating, cmon. And yeah right, walk away and leave 450 credits behind and do some surveys right? lol

  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Mon, Apr 14 2014 11:01 PM


    I don't think anyone would willingly play someone who they think is a cheat.. He's clearly concerned about this and asking a question. 

    Not quite sure how it's "His own fault" though. The game is supposed to be a game to play with friends and new people alike and this really shouldn't be happening. 

    So now you can't play anything with anyone you don't know for fear of them cheating. Quite pathetic that WGT does not sort it out. So I'd say it's not His fault at all, more like WGT's fault for allowing a bug like this to go on without doing anything about it. 

    I like how  trolls try to make the guy feel bad about getting screwed though.  Not helpful at all just mostly silly comments for people who have legitimate concerns.


    Stay Shady WGT.


    What you said helped him? I don't think so. You just chewed me out instead. So same goes to you bud. Your trolling if your paying all your attention to what I said. your so smart you have to come in to start a fight for no reason at all. Nice how people are.

    This is why these forums suck, because people can't just shrug their shoulders and move on, they have to pick peoples posts out, and complain instead. I do not think that at all is helping anyone except themselves to starting an argument.

    Communication does not mean to criticize people just when you feel like it. That is how you lose friends.

    Moderation on these forums is not being done right.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Mon, Apr 14 2014 11:10 PM


    Just heard back from WGT about it... The email was completely off topic and did some explanation about freaking foul language or something, even though I was completely clear about the cheating issue lol. They told me to "do not respond to offensive language" and "ignore them or choose to walk away" lol. This wasn't about sportsmanship, its about cheating, cmon. And yeah right, walk away and leave 450 credits behind and do some surveys right? lol

    Yup par for the course mate.

    Nobody even read your email. Nope.... blew you off. That is how WGT handles their customers.


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Apr 15 2014 12:23 AM

    How is it legal for WGT to continue as a platform for games involving a paid for stake, when they know their system has been compromised and paying customers are being defrauded?

    Of all the cheating threads surely this is the one they should be paying attention to?

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Tue, Apr 15 2014 12:34 AM


    How is it legal for WGT to continue as a platform for games involving a paid for stake, when they know their system has been compromised and paying customers are being defrauded?

    Of all the cheating threads surely this is the one they should be paying attention to?

    You would think Paul, but i guess not. This cheat is nothing new. Been around now for quite sometime.

    Many players have already posted on Icon's profile about this issue. Many emails have been sent.

    OOO and its not legal at all. To be perfectly honest with you they have a few issues as we speak.

    Now one of the reasons they are not doing anything is because they can't.

    The cheats are way smarter than anyone at WGT. Do not under estimate how smart these gents are.  Some of these cats work very hard to make sure that their cheats work flawless.

    Something WGT should try to copy.

    And...... WGT's system as you call it has been compromised since day one. The way this game is setup...... easy pickings for the dishonest.