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Bracket Ideas (and a rake tangent)

Thu, Jun 5 2014 8:36 AM (26 replies)
  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Sat, Apr 19 2014 10:14 PM


    My Suggestion....   Instead of getting a free ride,  Why not have botth players from the bottom match going thru to the Semi Final and playing each other again.

    Good idea.

    I also like the idea of starting the next round as soon as all the games in the current one are played.  Waiting for the clock to count down when there's nobody still to play is a waste of time.

  • 8802
    4,362 Posts
    Thu, May 15 2014 10:35 PM

    Tour Legends with <58 averages must be licking their chops knowing they are hidden until players with no chance (myself included) donate their credits to them in the Tierless Brackets.

    Sour grapes?  You bet!

    Time for WGT to figure out how to spot less skilled players a few strokes per side and give them a chance.

  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Thu, May 15 2014 10:50 PM


    Tour Legends with <58 averages must be licking their chops knowing they are hidden until players with no chance (myself included) donate their credits to them in the Tierless Brackets.

    Sour grapes?  You bet!

    Time for WGT to figure out how to spot less skilled players a few strokes per side and give them a chance.

    It's kind of a no win situation IMO.  When names were displayed I sure as hell wasn't signing up after a top player, so it created an environment of preying on the lesser skilled players.  Once the lesser skilled players realized that they stood little to no chance, who was going to sign up for them at all? At least now there are tiered brackets so you do have the option to avoid the sharks (until you reach TL).

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Fri, May 16 2014 12:01 AM

    Wish they would allow Brackets in CCs (ability to create more spaces though).  If they also allowed betting (sorry skill challenge lol), within that it, would be a nice option.

    Just looking over at the current happy Brackets I see the grand total of 9 option's.  5 are free, two TL only for credits and 2 tierless for credits.  

    Any tiered one's even for Legend below TL probably, and certainly TM down, and it would be easy to see where all the Great Whites had gone from the worlds ocean's.

    Brackets were a good idea, but hard to make them fit with the way this place operates.  Thus, I don't think these are destined to be part of this game in any big way, unless they get them in a CC with a sensible WGT rake* when doing credit one's.  

    * And dear WGT that does not mean 20% plus ball costs if you need a clue where to start working down from quickly in a big way:)

  • TarheelsRule
    5,604 Posts
    Fri, May 16 2014 8:46 AM

    Sam is right, when the names were displayed I would wait until I found a quarter of the bracket that I know I could compete in and avoid the really good players.

    I like the new concept but I think we have too many tiers and having tournaments for every tier makes things too cumbersome.  I would suggest that there would only be 3 different groupings for tournaments.   Legend and Tour Legend as one, Master and Tour Master for another and then an all other group.  That might sound a little extreme but except for those who don't progress as they should it would be fair.  I just turned TL and I would have had no issue playing in the combined group before I turned.

    The only issue I have with the brackets is the timing.  I forget when I need to play and have WD a number of times just because I forgot.  One tourney I was WDed as I putted a 2 footer on the last hole.  I like the concept of being able to play all four rounds at once, not sure how difficult it is for WGT to keep up with it that way but it would be nice to finish it all off at one time.  

    The rake is way too high for a four round tournament, should be 5% at most.

  • seniorbruno
    813 Posts
    Thu, Jun 5 2014 5:12 AM

    Not too sure about this...  are the Bracket winnings going on your Career Earnings?


    I've managed to win a few brackets, but the winnings are not being added to my career total.

  • PTrenter
    437 Posts
    Thu, Jun 5 2014 8:36 AM

    I'll add my bracket thoughts in here too, as it seems to be the one Icon has his eye on :D

    Great work on introducing brackets into the CCs.  What would be very handy though would be to expand on this format.  A few ideas:

    - Ability to input CC members manually into bracket spaces.  Would make our matchplay comps a lot easier.

    - Have a randomiser setting so that once the bracket is full, the names are jumbled into the draw.

    - Incorporate registration deadlines and in turn byes for spaces unfilled.  Would need tweaking so that byes are spread out through draw.

    - Linked with the last.  Perhaps adjust bracket size dependent on entrants, moving to a 32 size if needed.  You could add max courses and then only use those which are needed.

    - Give more options on round times.  The current options pretty much limit most to 9 hole rounds.  I'd like to see 42h and 72h options added.