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any on knows...

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Fri, Apr 18 2014 1:03 PM (9 replies)
  • localbistro
    237 Posts
    Tue, Apr 15 2014 7:45 PM

    Hello all WT players,

    I have couple questions an I like to see if anyone knows the answer or can help me.  I see in some  you tube videos on the top of the screen where WGT is the BETA word what that stand for it and why I don't have in my screen?

    Which browser is the best for play this golf game? Is better connect the internet straight o your Pc  or use e WI-FI?

    I suck at chip and Pitch I am always too long or short any formula's that can help me?  I need formula's for side wind any one can help me, please? Last question what kind of mouse are best  for play? wireless?

    Help Community

    Thank you for your help and time.

    Andrea AKA Localbistro

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Wed, Apr 16 2014 10:16 AM


    Hello all WT players,

    I have couple questions an I like to see if anyone knows the answer or can help me.  I see in some  you tube videos on the top of the screen where WGT is the BETA word what that stand for it and why I don't have in my screen?

    BETA was removed some time last year, for aesthetic reasons I think, maybe because people were calling it WGT BETA, can't be any other reason, as it will probably be forever a BETA game, never a final completed game.

    Which browser is the best for play this golf game? Is better connect the internet straight o your Pc  or use e WI-FI?

    How long is a piece of string? 

    Different browsers work best for different folks, horses for courses so to speak.

    Try a few see what works best for you.

    As far as wired or wireless goes, suppose there's less can interfere with a wired connection.

    I suck at chip and Pitch I am always too long or short any formula's that can help me?  I need formula's for side wind any one can help me, please?

    The search feature to the forums hides a plethora of information regarding formulas and theories.

    Last question what kind of mouse are best  for play? wireless?

    Once again, less can interfere with a wired mouse, but I suppose this could also depend on the type of mouse you got .

    Help Community

    Thank you for your help and time.

    Andrea AKA Localbistro


  • MainzMan
    9,590 Posts
    Wed, Apr 16 2014 11:20 AM

    Mushy gave a good answer to question 1, the others are also perfectly fine answers, I'd just like to add a few things.

    The 2 main camps as far as browsers are concerned appear to be Chrome and Maxthon 3.  I'm a Maxthon fan (make sure it's the proper 3, not the cut down Cloud version) because Chrome appears to have all sorts of issues that Maxthon simply doesn't.  I have a feeling the Chrome users are in the majority though so there must be something good about it.  There are also people using all sorts of other browsers, even.. *retch*...  *huuuugh*.... Internet Explo... *bloaaaggghhhh*  Sorry, didn't manage to say it without puking.

    What is very important is to clear your Flash Cache after every update from WGT or every time you change the gear in your bag.  Go here to do so, select and delete it.   You'll have to redo your game settings but it is worth doing regularly.   Clearing your browser cache is also a good idea.  I don't do that very often as I only use Maxthon to actually play the game, nothing else.

    I don't think you'll notice any difference between wired and WiFi.  Once the game has loaded the hole and is ready to take the shot everything happens in your computer until the next view is loaded.

    Yep, Mushy said it right regarding chipping, pitching and so on.  My advice is to find a shot that you can use in most situations and stick with it.  I use a punched 64 wedge for every shot between 10 and 41 yards.  Under 10 yards I pitch unless I have a bunker between myself and the hole and need the ball to pretty much stop dead upon landing.  In that case I'll use a flop but since I very rarely sue it I'm not that good at it.

    As far as I know the majority of people find a wired mouse better because the delay between clicking and the click actually being registered is much shorter.

    Have a look round the forums, there's tons of good advice.  A fair bit of poor advice too but you'll soon learn to filter it a bit.

  • SOYEL1
    698 Posts
    Wed, Apr 16 2014 11:31 AM


      Go here to do so, select and delete it.   

    Simply right clicking over a flash object(like the gameclient) and selecting "global settings"  and delete all, (or go tediously site by site) should do the same, I am afraid.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Wed, Apr 16 2014 11:46 AM

    I don't think you'll notice any difference between wired and WiFi.  Once the game has loaded the hole and is ready to take the shot everything happens in your computer until the next view is loaded.

    If you have a choice, go with a wired connection.  Any wi-fi is subject to interference from other wi-fi networks (a neighbor perhaps?), household appliances like cordless phones and microwaves (I have a friend who can lose his connection when the cordless phone rings), some older bluetooth devices also interfere (fixed in the newer generations).  Other than those situation driven reasons MainzMan is right, you won't notice a difference using WiFi.

    And BTW MM, there are messages being sent to/from the server every 10 seconds.  They're called "keep alive" messages so both ends know the other end is still there.  It's how WGT determines a problem with our internet connection.  There are also random and periodic Friend List updates sent by the server to our computer.  We get one whenever a friend changes status, and we get one every 60 seconds whether there's been a change or not.

  • MainzMan
    9,590 Posts
    Wed, Apr 16 2014 12:40 PM


    And BTW MM, there are messages being sent to/from the server every 10 seconds.  They're called "keep alive" messages so both ends know the other end is still there.

    I could have done with a few "keep the round alive" messages over the years.

    How the hell do you know these things anyway?  Have you got some sort of device for it?  Maybe a YancyScan?  I need to get me one of those.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Wed, Apr 16 2014 1:30 PM



      Go here to do so, select and delete it.   

    Simply right clicking over a flash object(like the gameclient) and selecting "global settings"  and delete all, (or go tediously site by site) should do the same, I am afraid.

    Once you click on Global Settings, you have to make 2 more clicks - Delete All - and in the next dialog box - Delete Data.

  • SOYEL1
    698 Posts
    Wed, Apr 16 2014 1:35 PM




      Go here to do so, select and delete it.   

    Simply right clicking over a flash object(like the gameclient) and selecting "global settings"  and delete all, (or go tediously site by site) should do the same, I am afraid.

    Once you click on Global Settings, you have to make 2 more clicks - Delete All - and in the next dialog box - Delete Data.


    You are right, but I wasn't trying it myself now. So I just meant it is much simpler using a right click...


  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Wed, Apr 16 2014 2:27 PM


    Which browser is the best for play this golf game?


    Is better connect the internet straight o your Pc  or use e WI-FI?

    Wired is always better and faster

    I suck at chip and Pitch I am always too long or short any formula's that can help me?  I need formula's for side wind any one can help me, please?

    welcome to the club, everybody did..practice!

    Last question what kind of mouse are best  for play? wireless?

    Wired period!!! (cheap gaming mouse even better)


  • kilbraur
    219 Posts
    Fri, Apr 18 2014 1:03 PM

    I ar now new tour legend 3 months

    I have use al browser Comodo Dragn work best for me.

    I use wireless laptop it not has mouse.

    2nd shot important one get proper place for putt and practise putt better.