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rated by 0 users
Thu, Apr 17 2014 7:27 PM (3 replies)
  • Morgies
    105 Posts
    Thu, Apr 17 2014 6:01 PM

    C'mon WGT

    Let's make the MAXIMUM shot time on RG's 45 - 60secs ...

    There's currently some seriously dodgy players in the legend tier (L81) ... with average clubs totally owning!

    I'm sure there will be some WUM and TROLLS on this post but for Christ sake ... Please look beyond WGT taking rake and turning  a blind eye.

    I'm doing fine in the RG;s ... Rare win, Top 10 etc. I plaY 100% FEEL, no hacks ... just guestimation etc.

    Meh .. hit me slow meter dudes.



  • mmyers0
    478 Posts
    Thu, Apr 17 2014 6:52 PM

    Slow down, Lee Trevino.

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Thu, Apr 17 2014 7:13 PM

    Where does it say golf is a race?

    Remember you're not playing at the same time as another player, it isn't a multi player game. So a timer per shot doesn't affect you at all so is silly. I regularly take over 3 minutes per shot. Usually well over an hour for a 9 hole game. Does that affect you?

    Now, if you want to decrease the turnaround time then that's been suggested (and ignored) before, reduce the time from last entry to completion from 12 hours to 3, and that would get much more support, including mine.

  • GlassMan27
    573 Posts
    Thu, Apr 17 2014 7:27 PM

    There's currently some seriously dodgy players in the legend tier (L81)

    He's a multi-accounter. A multi that for some reason feels no need to be subtle about that fact. He was brought up on multiple occasions after winning one of the bigger tourneys in a lower tier a little while back. The powers that be obviously have no desire to shut him down (again).