courteneyfish: But who would click on Join a Game for credits when you wouldn't even know your partner? Plus it would be wide open to cheating.
However, if everyone joins a really active country club and has a good friends list with top notch reputable players, then you would never be entering the alt shot challenge with someone you did not know.
Additionally, all for credits matches are open to cheating, the entire game is open to it. Those that have the credits and want to risk them know that going into any match where they put their own credits on the line.
Kind of like investments, its not up to others to decide what is right for me and/or my partners. We know the risk when we put the money up and if we lose it then it is nobody else's fault but our own.
So if enough want it then why not and those who think it is just a breeding ground for cheating, sandbagging and stealing credits can just stay away from it