NiFromFb:LOL....that brought a smile to my face. Thanks.
Mine too, because I was thinking basically the same thing after reading the very demanding 1st post.
After my own findings, from my psychological profile of the poster, I have determined, at least, this much that I am certain of. The person is male, between 18-25, some college work but, like everything else in his life, he never finished, raised in an upper-class household with a mother who gave him everything he ever asked for or demanded. And, I will omit the sexuality findings, as they were very vague and confused.
My final assessment is that this person wants WGT to make the game "easier" and with barely any practice needed to shoot under par on any course here. This is directly related to the ease in which he has gotten things his entire life. It was also done without him even realizing he used words that did not describe what he actually meant to say. Which falls right in line with the confused sexual nature of the poster, and also tells us that, until this young man comes to terms with his true nature, sexually, he will continue to communicate things in ways others will notice immediately as being insincere, at best. In short, he's full of *!?%.