Like Apex said, I am sure there are TL's out there that do play stroke rounds, maybe just not with you.
I will give it to you from my perspecitve. I have two types of play that I love: one is playing for credits, via RGs, MPC, skins, tourneys, etc. The other is Alt shot, more specifically doing it through WGTLS and guilds Open.
I need the credit matches to have the credits to buy my own gear and balls, as well as gifting, as I enjoy doing it from time to time. I don't have videos, or surveys or offers here in Costa Rica. My IP address excludes me from pretty much everything, so only way I make credits is by winning them.
The alt shot I play because of the level of players I get to play with and the team I get to be a part of. Its the social part of the game that I love and get to experience through that means.
I will play stroke play from time to time, or match, with people I like or those looking for some advice or whatever, but it isn't often, just purely based off of a time factor.
If I play you in 9 holes of stroke play, and forget about if you add a 3rd or 4th player, I could easily get in 2 or 3, if not 4 RGs or play maybe 2 rounds of alt shot guild with my friends, so why would I do it, if I have limited times to play and these are my likes.
I might play stroke with you, in fact I did once, if I liked you, if you were more genuine, more humble, not such a t___. However, you are none of those. You can be and were actually not such a bad guy when we played, but on these forums you are a different person and think calling people names and questioning there ability is somehow gonna get them to cave to you desires so they play with you, but alas, I am a chicken, it says so on my wall and I am not even that good, so it would probably be a waste of YOUR time to even play with me.
Good luck in your hunt for the ever elusive TL that will play stroke play with you!!