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Brackets-Who wins?

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Thu, May 8 2014 1:50 PM (11 replies)
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  • deadeye9145
    371 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 11:59 AM

    Played in a few of these and was in the last pair.  Bracket time has expired, my score shows but the opponents does not.  It has been a few days.  Where to go to find out who won?  Also, in another, my opponent and I shot the same final score.  Understand the score card count down on ties, but there is no indication of who won?  Also, time has expired on the bracket. 

    I went to the tournaments page, then brackets page, then brackets I entered page, then looked at results.  Shows nothing relating to who wins.  This is a real pain in the ...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Where to go?  Or is this a problem with WGT?



  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 3:23 PM

    At the top of this page, click Tounements...then Brackets...then to far right "See Bracket results"...or similar:


  • dar64
    10 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 3:38 PM

    Played in bracket  tournament...showed  winning....can not find any record of game played must less win..


  • deadeye9145
    371 Posts
    Tue, May 6 2014 8:22 AM

    In my post, I state that this was done.  It isn't that simple.  Brackets simply disappear, or are not updated with the winner.  It sure does let me know I lost though.



  • deadeye9145
    371 Posts
    Tue, May 6 2014 10:04 AM

    That is the way it is supposed to work.  Bottom line is..................IT DON'T

  • ShadyShank
    629 Posts
    Thu, May 8 2014 8:14 AM

    Unfortunately, I must report that very same thing. I won a Master Tier Bracket with the scores and rounds finalizing yesterday afternoon, yet no winnings have been deposited to my account, and I am unable to see any closed bracket tournament results.

    I won one last week and it went very well. Maybe an hour after the round officially ended, my credits were in my account. As of right now, my account is missing the 720 credits I won, plus my 100 credit entry fee if this is not fixed.

    I can't even give you a tournament number because the closed tournament's won't load, although it was there yesterday once the round expired. This is one of those issues that requires immediate attention. When I need more balls, or to buy some new equipment, I have to get up and go to a store to load my VISA card, come back and buy credits and hit the pro shop.

    I planned on buying a sleeve or 2 today with those winnings, but looks as if I'll be buying nothing until this is remedied.

    ShadyShank (Kevin)


  • ShadyShank
    629 Posts
    Thu, May 8 2014 8:20 AM



    BTW, this link will not open the closed results either. The page opens but the brackets, and results, do not load. Same as using the Closed Tournament Results link. Page opens, pictures and ads load, but no results load. Have tried 6 times already to no avail.

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Thu, May 8 2014 10:06 AM


    Unfortunately, I must report that very same thing. I won a Master Tier Bracket with the scores and rounds finalizing yesterday afternoon, yet no winnings have been deposited to my account, and I am unable to see any closed bracket tournament results.

    I won one last week and it went very well. Maybe an hour after the round officially ended, my credits were in my account. As of right now, my account is missing the 720 credits I won, plus my 100 credit entry fee if this is not fixed.

    I can't even give you a tournament number because the closed tournament's won't load, although it was there yesterday once the round expired. This is one of those issues that requires immediate attention. When I need more balls, or to buy some new equipment, I have to get up and go to a store to load my VISA card, come back and buy credits and hit the pro shop.

    I planned on buying a sleeve or 2 today with those winnings, but looks as if I'll be buying nothing until this is remedied.

    ShadyShank (Kevin)


    Hey Kev,

    I looked at your score history and clicked on the top Bracket game you played with a 100 credit entry. It went to a leaderboard with your name at the top as the winner with a 69 score in the final. It doesn't have Tourney # though. Is this what you're looking for?

  • Hanswurst72
    1,097 Posts
    Thu, May 8 2014 10:39 AM


    That is the way it is supposed to work.  Bottom line is..................IT DON'T

    Come on dude, even German kids are getting bullied for such a use of english grammar.... wow

  • ShadyShank
    629 Posts
    Thu, May 8 2014 10:54 AM

    Is this what you're looking for?


    That's the one. Score should be 69-70. Thanks for digging it up. But what now?


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