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I played a Legend and he was very, VeRy, VERY out of the Box....pls read...

rated by 0 users
Sun, May 11 2014 8:10 PM (26 replies)
  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Thu, May 8 2014 11:21 PM

    and I promise you will get no abuse lol.


    12 signed affadavits say otherwise....

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, May 8 2014 11:58 PM

    sssshhhhh, thats our secret!

  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Fri, May 9 2014 12:34 AM

    Kevin, You will never find two more classy guys than Alanti and MBaggese. I play these guys and I can guarantee you, even as a legend, I learn something from these guys each time I play them.  Sometimes it may be a new word in my, its absolutely fun watching these guys, who...btw, will never say a negative, nasty thing towards, saying that, like me, they may say something about their own shot LOL....or if they know you, pick at you if you make a boneheaded shot, which, I do on a regular basis   lol

    There's several Legends out there that are arrogant bully's....who love to brow beat players, but, they are few and far thing is to write down their names and block can send in screenshots to WGT...but, your best bet is to just block them..because you never know if anything is done by WGT as they wont tell you because of privacy issues.   Anytime you want a fun game, just send me a friend invite and i'd love to play a game with you, Kevin!!


  • suncity28
    1,266 Posts
    Fri, May 9 2014 1:34 AM

    Giday Kevin.

    You will come across many of these tools/idiots in looking for a game.

    My advice if to build up a good friend list and play games with in that friend list.

    Feel free to send me a friend invite.  

  • SPINO1
    5,394 Posts
    Fri, May 9 2014 2:49 AM

    Echoing the response above Kevin. Ive sent u a little gift to replace your starter wedge. .invite me for an alt shot or something fun.

    Regards stu

  • adaputter
    1,954 Posts
    Fri, May 9 2014 3:27 AM

    hi kevin sorry to here about your game he seemed a bit of an arsehole,i find the best thing to do is turn off chat

  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Fri, May 9 2014 3:59 AM


    ust like in life there is a cross section of people here, some good, some great and some total dickwads, but overall most players are good. 

    Not all legends are like that

    Thank you sweet Jesus, I am truly trying to amend my ways! LOL!

    Have a nice day! (it's a hard road for sure and I am trying my best).

    P.S. Or am I?

  • 100plus
    801 Posts
    Fri, May 9 2014 4:51 AM


    Ok, so Kevin here from San Diego,,,,been playing almost a year now and made it TP.   Most of my games I create are taken by TP, TM's....nice ...I learn a lot watching BP Black which I call my concentration course after playing all many times..... I figure play one well then others can follow. 


    I have switched from Match to Stroke play when i create games. I allows me to complete the putt which it what is now my concentration points on my game strategy (I used to play many AM and HK that would concede at like 11 yrs). 

    Today, I picked up a nameless LEGEND. I wet my pants!  A LEGEND!  Awesome....I always welcome them to my game and tell them GG, GL, Me, where I am playing from .....

    He come back with a what ??? Two player Stroke Game??? I say yeah (I did not have nor do like a four hour match online....o' BTW in the past year no one ever complained, ever!)

    Then this LEGEND gets in and starts complaining chat....

    Does not tell me his name and just says what is this...

    When I respond, he says a two player stroke game?  I reply with yeah that was the set up. you took the game, sorry forfeit, (what does he have to lose, he is already a LEGEND, so what is the problem?)

    LEGEND keeps on, then he is chipping into the hole with starter balls from 4 feet out...really...with a dad gone Driver.

    Ok, now I am WTF.

    Then he starts his rant on my game....LMASO, the like.....

    Then personal attacks....

    Then I said, Shipmate, (I am a 25 yr Navy Veteran) on another comment, he replied
    PART ! end

    I have sent you a friend request and would be more then happy to play with you in any format that you chose.I live in the EST time zone and am usually on around 6:30 am and again in the evenings from about 7:30 pm on.


    4,019 Posts
    Fri, May 9 2014 6:10 AM

    What a jerk.  He accepted the invite.  Sorry you had to deal with that, Kevin.  

  • KBishop5
    922 Posts
    Sun, May 11 2014 7:51 PM

    See Mate ur Australian, Adam Scott, I love that place and have  been there seven times!

    Thanks Alanti!!!


    Appreciate that!

