Even 9??!! I totally missed that one!
Now this is too extreme, don't you think? :-/
EDIT : I just checked it again and you're right. Bridgestone Tour B X Ultra Slow Meter Balls (L0+) has a meter speed of 9.0! Speechless.
Nine does seem to be a bit extreme compared to the highest of any non Bridgestone ball. But thinking about the new game which seems to have quite a quick meter, maybe that's what WGT had in mind when they came up with those attributes
The clubs, all mostly have a quicker meter speed, therefore by coming out with an extremely slow metered ball, their ball sales go sky high. Im also seeing that the durability is shrinking too, and you thought that the clashs were the cash cow, lol.
Yes the level 0+ Bridgestone ball is a 9 on the meter speed but otherwise it is no better than a 43 cr WGT Ball and cost 300 cr. The 925 cr Bridgestone is about the equivalent of a 400cr ball as far as it’s other characteristics. 😕
Yes you’re getting a VERY slow meter but at a very high cost, both credit wise and performance of balls other attributes.
Tables updated.
Two new Titleist balls seem to have appeared in the shop without being mentioned, at least I don't think they have been.
⇩ EDIT : Cheers Simon. ; ) ⇩
Thank you as always, Scott. You're da man! :-)
ScottHope: Tables updated. Two new Titleist balls seem to have appeared in the shop without being mentioned, at least I don't think they have been. Not so slow meter (4.2) Slow meter (6.0) ⇩ EDIT : Cheers Simon. ; ) ⇩
Good catch, Scott!
I would never have noticed as I never browse that shelf in the ball section (if you know what I mean!!) \:~0
Thanks Larry. I would never buy them either as my game doesn't justify such expenditure. My wallet would also whimper everytime I hit the damn thing, hehe.
Scott...have you started a table for all of the apparel yet...upgrade costs by level, etc.etc. etc.? :-)
No, I haven't. I think I'm too old to understand much about the new game to be honest. Maybe time for a youngster to step in. : )