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excessive break in a putt

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Mon, May 19 2014 4:32 AM (11 replies)
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    266 Posts
    Fri, May 16 2014 8:06 PM

    How do  you set up a putt that has very excessive break to get right line on putt.lets say you have a 10 ft putt with excessive break like on my max master putter would i increase the increment to 20 to allow for big break



  • ISH47
    1,963 Posts
    Fri, May 16 2014 8:49 PM

    When you find out let me know...  hahaha

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sat, May 17 2014 10:59 AM


    I simply try to estimate the break based on it being downhill or not and then aim more for it.. there no real way of teaching it, short of practice.


  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Sat, May 17 2014 12:11 PM

    Sometimes I'll use different methods when I putt.

    Usually, I'll calculate power then adjust the aim L or R for the break/slope.

    Here are my usual and changed methods:

     (see image below)

    A) USUAL - An example, a moderate slope makes me adj. the aim, say, 2 feet to the right. The dinged shot curves into the hole.

    B) CHANGED - The different method for the same example is adj. 1 foot to the right and click past the right of the ding (pushed putt) and the ball goes in the hole. 

    There are pros and cons to each method, in my opinion.


    Some observations I've seen are that in method 'B' you have to know how your putter reacts to a 'mis-ding', and it usually means that the putt will lose some power because you didn't hit it in the center.  

    I like method B sometimes because the ball seems to slow down on a heavy slope and stop rolling, usually, more so than a dinged shot. This may vary depending on the situations and/or techniques.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, May 17 2014 12:38 PM

    Usually, I'll calculate power then adjust the aim L or R for the break/slope.

    ^^^This. Speed is paramount and when you get that right the hole gets bigger-you get to go in the side doors. Picture what the putting arc would look like on a successful putt and aim at the high point of that arc.  :)

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, May 17 2014 1:43 PM


    Nice reply JF

    What  Icon said is true.  It takes alot of practice and even then you won't be perfect.

    This is a replay of a Putt I did on the 5th at Merion.

    14ft to pin  1 down... Tourny speed.  With dots moving at Warp speed R to L.  People would know how bad that is.

    Looking Jf's Pic...  I moved the Aim nearly 2 boxes Left and clicked the meter just after that line before Ding   Then   I can't remember how hard I hit it, but on the 15ft scale...  I think I took the meter just short of full because I was on the fringe


  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Sat, May 17 2014 4:32 PM

    When the break of a putt is severe the first half or so of the putt is going uphiil and the rest is going down hill.

    Plus, because of the severe break the distance the ball has to roll is some amount longer than a straight line from the ball to the hole.

    Consequently you often need to add putt stroke strength to get the ball to the high point of the arc that allows the ball to finish in the hole.

    Here is an example - a severe, steep, right to left break. In a straight line the ball was 2 feet from the hole. I had to aim way above the hole and use a putt strength equal to 4 feet. The putt almost came to a complete stop but rolled down the slope and into the hole.

    Bethpage Black for birdie -  #15

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Sat, May 17 2014 6:10 PM

    Great insight and replays by the previous posters..I thank you as I believe it will improve my game.

    Here's an observation I've had lately about the deliberate pull or push on a putt, and I'm asking those who might have lots of experience in the game or IRL.

    Are the resulting physics of a pulled putt (on a slope that goes L to R) somewhat different from an equally pushed putt (on a slope that goes R to L)?

    My experience seems to assert that that is the case - as a pulled putt might slow down more so than the opposite pushed putt, (or even have a different arc result) possibly attributed to the physics of the spin along with putter balance and the actuation of the swing by a person.

    Sorry if I'm being wordy but it's hard to explain what I'm asking.

    Final point is that I seem to have more success using the pushed putt on a canted green than a pulled putt.

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Sat, May 17 2014 7:36 PM

    Here is an example of the methods that have been working for me in regard to what I said:

     I seem to have more success using the pushed putt on a canted green than a pulled putt.."

    See image below.

    Fig A the green is sloping L to R.

    Fig. B the green is sloping R to L.

    Both putts go into the hole, and both putts are using the intentional push (right of DING)

    The difference is:

    The aim in example A is positioned too far left. (if you were to DING)

    But the intentional push corrects that and it goes to the right, into the hole.


    The aim in example B is positioned not enough right. (if you were to DING)

    But the intentional push corrects that and it goes into the hole.


    [I am still testing the success of this method, and it takes practice, but I like the results I'm getting]



    edit: to echo Dave''s subsequent post 'success with the ding method using my Nike putter,', I plan to get one, also, and with that forgiveness I would use that method as well, no pun intended. The TM spider is nice for me now as I push and pull a lot. (perhaps I've said too much hahaha]

  • DaveStrock
    919 Posts
    Sat, May 17 2014 7:38 PM

    I pulled my putter once,,,,felt so good I pulled it all seriousness there is no perfect method for putting,ding or non-ding it takes thousands of putts to remotely figure it out so you can be within a few inches of where your intended path lies,I personally have better success with the ding method using my Nike putter,after 2 1/2 years playing nearly every day putting is still the hardest and most baffling part of this game,,IMHO......

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