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Medium Slow Meter Ball with basically nothing else

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Mon, May 19 2014 9:43 PM (5 replies)
  • MukilteoMike1
    46 Posts
    Sun, May 18 2014 12:55 AM

    I would love to see a ball that has a 3.5 meter with spin and distance of 1 or less.  Currently there's nothing to bridge the gap from the Max Slow Meter Hack and WGT GI3 balls. 

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Sun, May 18 2014 1:45 AM

    The trouble is pretty much everyone also wants at least some extra spin on a ball you have to pay for.  I would imagine the market for a slow meter ball with no other attributes is pretty small, you may well be the only customer.

    While the balls we use here obviously don't cost WGT anything to produce, they do have to be added to the game data base and pro shop during a down time, therefor the cost isn't actually zero.

    And if there are unlikely to be many people interested in the product then I would think it's unlikely they will ever offer it.

    On the other hand they did add that ridiculous slow meter starter ball for 100 credits a sleeve.  Zero spin or distance, 1 durability and 1 meter.  I should imagine they must have sold at least, ooooh, none of those.

  • alberich35
    858 Posts
    Sun, May 18 2014 2:36 AM

    Why not ? Many players buy expensives balls mainly for meter. Set a meter of 2 or less on high end Brand balls and we will see what will happen.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, May 18 2014 3:16 AM

    Why not ?

    I agree, because there is a sucker born every minute. 

  • MukilteoMike1
    46 Posts
    Mon, May 19 2014 5:36 PM


    The trouble is pretty much everyone also wants at least some extra spin on a ball you have to pay for.  I would imagine the market for a slow meter ball with no other attributes is pretty small, you may well be the only customer.


    The silly thing is there are many balls with extremely similar characteristics.

    However, after doing a triple check, I just found a ball that's pretty close...Callaway HEX Chrome+ Slow Meter balls for 300 a sleeve.  With 2.0, 2.0, 2.5, 3.5, that should work.  Unfortunately it's a Level 1 ball, which means the price is higher than it should be.  I'll have to try it out.  I'm guessing I'll stick with the faster 2.0 meter WGT Legend GI2-SD2 balls since they're half the price.  They've become my every day ball.

    It would be nice to see them make a couple other MAX slow meter balls, but the prices for those ugly black balls are too high anyway.


  • alberich35
    858 Posts
    Mon, May 19 2014 9:43 PM

    In comparison with the others 3.5 metered balls the Cally lvl1 is not so expensive for which does not need or want more than 2.0 spin and distance.