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Wed, May 28 2014 3:50 PM (6 replies)
  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Sun, May 25 2014 6:30 PM

    To play ALT game with hack to tour legend and still game is interesting in someways. There has to be benefit in everything. 

    One way to achieve that is if you play players one tier below extra 50 point for each player 100 point for 2 tier below ...each tier difference +50 for each player in the game.

    More different levels in the game  more experience points which makes everyone include a hack as he gives more exp points.

    It is one of the way hack to want to be Tour legend as they able to see best players play and copy. They buy better equipement to match and WGT makes more money.

    Also configurable ALT game allows player to set difficulty level make game fun.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, May 25 2014 9:36 PM
    I hope that WGT understood what you posted.
  • jigglybutt
    208 Posts
    Mon, May 26 2014 12:36 PM

    I hope that WGT understood what you posted.

    +1 although I don't see how they could. It does not quite gel together. Mostly confusing to anyone other than alex. I think he can only comprehend what he's saying.

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Mon, May 26 2014 1:22 PM

    I think, and I must stress the word think, Alex is asking for more experience points to be given for playing lower tier players in multi-player or alt-shot games.

    In all honesty though, a paltry 50 points per tier ain't gonna make much difference when you're chasing a level half a million points away.

    Personally I'll play with or against anyone, regardless of tier.  It seems most low tier players don't feel the same way though, as soon as they see a TL in the game they boot you or leave themselves. 

    Perhaps the extra points should be for playing someone in a higher tier than yourself.

  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Mon, May 26 2014 3:49 PM

    Idea is basically you need a motivation to spend time and energy to play with low tier players. So more exp points could be bonus. lots of people play 1 alt game per day for succssive day played bonus. In that way i think playing low tier players you should get bonus points.

  • jigglybutt
    208 Posts
    Mon, May 26 2014 5:45 PM

    I think the extra points is actually a good idea. True a lot of lower tier players don't want to play with TL's and such. Could be a game changer and get those wait times on finding alt shot players down a little bit.  And good point again, I generally play at least one alt shot game a day when I'm looking to get the good xp.

    Unfortunately it only seems like wgt will put something into affect if it can be sold in the pro shop. Plenty of things in the game they neglect fixing already or should improve for the sake of the game.

    Wasn't shooting down you idea in my first post, just had a hard time figuring out what you meant. 

    Not a bad idea alex, not bad at all.

  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Wed, May 28 2014 3:50 PM

    There is no motivation for Tour legend to play one tier below. Or any tier wants to play lower tiers. So it means lower tier player can not see how top players play. That means they do not buy new club because for lower tier players do not have motivation or they may think its beyond their reach.

    So making top tier players play lower tier player with some kinda scheme ( in this case good chunk of bonus points)  one tier less 100 , 2 tier 150 , 3 tier below 200 

    one TL playing with  Legend gets 100 points.  Tour master  150 points 

    Scheme can be per player (bonus multiplied by players) or just atleast one player.( just each different tier). 

    It is better way is give bonus for different tier in the team.