Drivers - G20 L59 goes 270, the X2 Hot (L72) is kinda pricy, but goes 280 with the same trajectory. i15 meter speed is too fast. The X-Hot is a good idea as well.
Woods - G20 again, or X2 Hot (L73), goes 240, 5 yards further than that G20, with more forgiveness.
Irons - G20s until L83, L85, or L90 (big G20s, mid-level Nike V-Fogred, and big R11s).
Wedges - The other CG16s open starting at 74, though no one really needs one until 76. Wait for this one. If you want 3 wedges, get a 60W (L42/L60) Ping, L29 CG16, or the L39/L64 ATV.
Putter - Suprised no one mentioned the Max Control Master putter, it has lots of settings, and will be fine until L96 if you want the Versa. The one at L70 is good I've heard as well, all have the same balance (4.5), and that one has the very slow meter speed.