Fascinating......I've made 840 posts, and am still being moderated.
I do not think that there is anyone in the community that would not agree that the WGT game we all play, is a business. They make lots of money. We all know that to be factual. It's a shame that the WGT doesn't know it's a business, because they treat it like a hobby.
If they treated it like a business, and ran it like a business, they wouldn't dare treat the community of players the way they do. If it's a credits problem, forget it....they don't get involved. Why? Because TrialPay, SponsorPay, SupersonicAds, Peanut Labs, Live Gamer, Social Theater, SocialVive and the WGT all are sleeping in the same bed. So by aiding us with credit trouble defeats it's own purpose.
If you're a Nation member, you're supposed to get quick responses. NOT! In fact you're more likely to be ignored.
The game is their business and why they don't keep it perfect, fix problems......is beyond my comprehension.
I have played this game since Feb. 2012, and to date I have over 65,000 credits in "the bank". If I had gotten the credits I earned and deserved, I'd have well over 100,000. I earned all my credits.......have NEVER bought a credit. Food and shelter take preference over credits.
I have always defended the WGT against what I call "WGT bashers". Those are people who will blame WGT for everything from the game to the weather. But it is time that the community got some respect for contributing to their business. I know, I'll never leave until I'm told I am no longer wanted, but that doesn't mean that I condone their business practices.
Maybe, just maybe, this "rant" will help. So those who have all types of complaints, know you are not alone in what you are ticked off about. But, unfortunately, the cure to this disease does not lie in our hands.
WGT, it's time for you to be on a par with the great game of golf.
Yes, IT'S Time!